40th NAAIC Business Meeting

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Minneapolis, MN


I.    Call to Order (Craig Sheaffer)


II.   Approval of Minutes moved and seconded - passed


III.  Approval of Agenda moved and seconded - passed


IV.  President's Report - Craig Sheaffer


V.   Treasurer’s Report - John Caddel


VI.  Executive Secretary's Report - Gary Bauchan

VII. Regional Reports

discontinue these organizations -
will need change in bylaws - and

will get information out then will change things to shut them down in 2008.

            A. Eastern Forage Improvement Conference - Gary Bauchan

            B. Central Alfalfa Improvement Conference - Jessica Tofte

            C. Western Alfalfa Improvement Conference - Lauren Johnson


VIII.  Committee Reports

            A. Industry Liaison Committee - no report - Peter Reisen
                 new Rep. Don Miller

B. Committee on Available Breeding Line - Charles Brummer

       - no germs released in Crop Science
       - if you have old cultivars send them to Stephanie Greene

            C. Biotechnology Committee - Deborah Samac

            D. Committee on Standardization – 4 tests proposed - David Johnson

             Traffic tolerance -

             Roundup Ready  - Resistant check will require a testing agreement

             Cow pea resistance -  Moved for acceptance and passed

             Standibility  - Moved for acceptance and passed

            E. Regulatory Affairs Committee - have report on paper - Mark McCaslin

                issues are new for records - on harvest forage and silage - similar for feeds
                Mark and committee  will draft a statement for review to the FDA.

            F. Alfalfa Crop Germplasm Committee - Don Viands

1.  Stephanie Greene's report -

2. Genetic vulnerability- gap in Middle east - but??, we are in good shape - variability in the sources in what breeders are using ?? questionable - Homeland security - we are not that vulnerable  - new chair will be George Vandermark - George will head up a committee to get this going.

3. Germplasm Enhancement - develop pre-proposal for CAP monies to enhance chances for genomic work.

             G. National Alfalfa Variety Review Board - Dan Putnam

                   Dan Undersander will serve as next representative - Jon Reich will track this.


            H.  Finance Committee - - Lauren Johnson - new chair - Dave Miller


            I.  Locations Committee - Dan Undersander - in 2008 meet in Ft. Worth/Dallas,
                contact person  will be Joe Bouton.


            J. Nominations Committee - Sam Stratton

Craig Sheaffer - new Treasurer
Dave Miller - new secretary
New nomination committee chair will be Craig Sheaffer

            K. Resolutions Committee - Dan Undersander


IX.  New Business

Invite Lotus group to meet with us.  Contact them to join us.

Public sector invitation to join in on the AOSCA - on the isolation issue - contact Mark McCaslin.

X.   Transfer of Office of President.  Craig Sheaffer to Jonathan Reich


XI.  Adjourn


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