NAAIC President’s Report

Craig Sheaffer, University of Minnesota and President, NAAIC

It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as NAAIC President during 2004-2006, and I hope to continue to provide support of our new President and NAAIC in my new role of Past President.

I want to thank the individuals and members of all the committees that make the organization function. Thanks to my colleagues at the University of Minnesota, JoAnn Lamb, Nancy Ehlke, Deborah Samac, and Paul Peterson, and Jessica Tofte from Seed Solutions for their contributions in planning and running the 2006 conference.

A special thanks to Gary Bauchan, executive secretary, who provides the organizational memory, commitment, and energy to allow effective continued functioning of our organization.

I greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet jointly with the Trifolium conference. The joint meeting increases the critical mass of scientists with common interests and provides for an increased diversification of interesting topics.

As agriculture and funding opportunities change, there are no doubt challenges ahead for public and private researchers and educators. I hope that we can continue to work together in exchange of ideas and continue to support our organization. The open interaction between scientists at Universities, USDA_ARS, and industries at the NAAIC is unique and invaluable.


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