
1. 55H05 is a synthetic cultivar with 196 parent plants intercrossed in cage isolation. Parent plants trace to a Pioneer experimental with winterhardiness, forage yield, persistence, and resistance to the blue alfalfa aphid (biotype 2 BAOK90). Parent plants of 55H05 were selected phenotypically for one or more of the following pests: bacterial wilt, Verticillium wilt, Phytophthora root rot, stem nematode, northern root knot nematode, Aphanomyces root rot, and blue alfalfa aphid (biotype 2 BAOK90).

2. 55H05 is adapted to the North Central and moderately winterhardy intermountain regions of the United States. It is intended for use in the Great Plains, East Central, winterhardy intermountain, moderately winterhardy intermountain regions of the United States, as well as in Canada.

3. 55H05 is a moderately dormant cultivar with a fall dorm