CW 55057
1. CW 55057 is a synthetic variety with 164 parent plants. Parent plantswere selected forpersistence and vigor following two years of close continuousgrazing with both cattle and sheepat Woodland, California. Parentage of CW55057 traces to the following germplasm sources:CW 481, Archer, LM 455, Felix,and miscellaneous Cal/West Seeds breeding populations.Approximate germplasmsource contributions are as follows: M. falcata (2%), Ladak (3%), M.varia(100/o), Turkistan (10%), Flemish(380/o), Chilean (8%), Peruvian (3%), Indian(2%),African (15%), and unknown (11%).
2. CW 55057 is adapted to the southwest and moderately winter hardy intermountainareas ofthe U.S. and is intended for use in the southwest and moderatelywinter hardy intermountainareas of the U.S., Argentina, South Africa, andAustralia. CW 55057 has been tested inCalifornia.
3. CW 55057 is a moderately dormant variety with fall dormancy similarto FD class 5 checkvarieties. Flower color observed in the syn2 generationis approximately 99% purple, 1%variegated, with a tram of white, cream, andyellow. CW 55057 has tolerance to intensivegrazing with high stocking ratessimilar to the tolerant check variety Alfagraze.
4. CW 55057 has high resistance to anthracnose (race 1), Fusarium. wilt,pea aphid, and bluealfalfa aphid, with resistance to Phytophthora root rot,spotted alfalfa aphid, and stem nematode.Reaction to bacterial wilt Verticilliumwilt, Aphanomyces root rot (race 1), and root knotnematode has not been adequatelytested.
5. Seed increase of CW 55057 is on a limited generation basis with onegeneration of breederand two generations of the foundation and certifiedseed classes. Breeder (syn1), foundation(syn2 or 3), and certified (syn.3or 4) classes will be recognized. Production of (syn1),foundation seed requiresconsent of the breeder. Breeder seed was produced under cage isolationnearWoodland, California, in 1995. Sufficient foundation seed for the projectedlife of thevariety will be maintained by Cal/West Seeds. Stands of foundationand certified seed fields arelimited to three and six years, respectively.
6. Certified seed of CW 55057 will be available in 2000.
7. No decision has been, made regarding Plant Variety Protection.
8. This information can be forwarded to the PVP office.
9. Date submitted: November 30,1999
Experimental designation: CW 55057