1. ZX9393 is a synthetic variety with 250 parent clones. Parent clones trace to four populations selected for resistance to Verticillium wilt, anthracnose (Race 1), spotted alfalfa aphid, blue alfalfa aphid, and pea aphid. Phenotypic recurrent selection was used. Final selections were made from a space planted nursery near Kingsburg, California. Parentage traces UC 176 (25%), UC 196 (25%), UC 226 (25%), and CUF 101 (25%). Approximate germplasm source contributes are: M. falcata (2%), Ladak (1%), M. varia (1%), Turkistan (20%), Flemish (1%), Chilean (10%), Peruvian (1%), Indian (14%), African (50%). Breeder seed (Syn 1) was produced under field isolation near Nampa, Idaho in 1993. <