

1.   One additional cycle of screening for both pea and spotted alfalfa aphid was made from the populations going into WL 309. Seven plant selections were made and increased under 67 Cage J. Ten selections were increased as 67 Cage G. Three clones were common to both 67 Cage J and 67 Cage G. Tested separately the two were later combined because of similar performance and background to comprise the variety.

2.   The intended use is primarily for hay production principally in the Central Region of alfalfa production and some Northern Region areas where spotted alfalfa aphid resistance is needed. Has been tested in Nebraska, Iowa, Ohio, Missouri with additional tests in adjacent areas.

3.   Flower color is approximately 40 percent purple, 20 percent blue and 40 percent variegated with a trace of yellow and white. Growth habit upright. Moderately resistant to both the pea aphid and the spotted alfalfa aphid (biotypes present in Kern County, California with the possible exception of ENTF.)

4.   Breeder seed is a combination of 67 Cage J and 67 Cage G produced under Cage isolation with honeybees used as pollinators. Foundation seed is produced in fields planted with Breeder seed between the 37 and 44 parallels.

WL 309 shall be in the limited generation sequence with one generation each of Breeder, Foundation and Certified classes. Certified seed shall be the first generation increase from Breeder or Foundation seed.

5.   1972-1973.

6.   No.

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