
1.   Sparta is an 18 clone synthetic variety. Parental clones were selected on the basis of extensive clonal and S1 progeny tests for agronomic traits and multipest resistance in Idaho and Iowa. Parental clones were selected from Peak (9), Epic (7), M. falcata x Epic intercross (1) and a hardy germplasm selection x Weevlchek selection (1).

2.   Sparta appears adapted for hay, green chop and other forage uses and will be marketed in the northern region of the USA and Southern Canada where Verticillium may be a problem. It has been tested in Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Idaho.

3.   Flower color is 70-76% purple and 24-30% variegated, with a trace of yellow and white. A hardy variety with erect growth habit, and late summer and fall regrowth between Ranger and Saranac.

4.   Sparta is resistant to bacterial wilt, Verticillium wilt, stem nematode, and pea aphids, moderately resistant to Fusarium wilt and Phytophthora root rot, and susceptible to anthracnose. No information on spotted aphid.

5.   Original (Syn. 1) seed produced on replicated clonal cuttings in a bee cage in Idaho. Breeders (Syn. 2) seed produced in cages planted with Syn. 1 seed. Breeders seed is maintained in cold storage by Land O' Lakes. Foundation (Syn. 3) fields planted with breeders seed in northern areas of adaptation are allowed three harvest years. Certified (Syn. 4) seed fields to be planted with breeders or foundation seed and limited to six harvest years. Only one generation of each class is recognized.

6.   Certified seed will be available in the fall of 1985.

7.   Plant Variety Protection is being considered.

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