
1. SW 8112 is a 120 clone synthetic variety. It was developed by crossing plants from SW 9112 (UC 332 plant selections) and SW 9100 (Monarca plant selections). All clone selections were made from seed production plots at Mendota, California. Criteria of selection included seed yield, plant vigor, fine stems and disease free roots. Plants were cross pollinated in a cage using both honey bees and leaf cutter bees. Estimated germplasm sources are: African (39%), Indian (18%),Turkistan (14%), Chilean (7%), Flemish (4%), M.varia (2%) and 16% unknown.

2. SW 8112 alfalfa is adapted to areas of California where Fall forage is desired and varieties of dormancy ratings 7, 8 and 9 are grown. Yield tests are currently in progress in California, Mexico and Argentina. These are intended use areas.

3. Fall dormancy of SW 8112 is 8. Flower color is predominantly purple (99%), with occasional variegated bloom (1%) in the Syn.2 generation.

4. SW 8112 is highly resistant to Fusarium Wilt, Blue Alfalfa Aphid and Spotted Alfalfa Aphid. It is resistant to Phytophthora Root Rot, Anthracnose (race 1), Pea Aphid and Southern Root Knot Nematode (M.incognita), and moderately resistant to Bacterial Wilt and low resistant to Stem Nematode (D.dipsaci). SW 8112 was not tested for Verticillium Wilt, Aphanomyces Root Rot or Northern Root Knot Nematode (M.hapla).

5. Breeders seed was produced with a 1/2 acre block of plants in Mendota, California during 1993. Under certification the classes of seed will be breeder, foundation and certified. Foundation seed will be produced from breeder seed and/or foundation seed. Foundation seed will be used to produce certified seed. S & W Seed Company will maintain seed stocks of the variety. Length of stand life allowed for Foundation and Certified seed is four and six years respectively.

6. Certified seed will be available for sale in 1998.

7. Application will not be made for PVP.

8. This information can be sent to the PVP office.

9. Variety name: SW 8112 Date submitted: November 10, 1996 Experimental designations: SW 8112A

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