
1. Columbia 2000 alfalfa is a synthetic variety descending from a strain cross. In the strain cross 5x50 or 250 selected S1 plants from commercial varieties were hand-crossed with pollen from at least 500 selected Vernal plants. The commercial varieties were Arrow, G2815, Commander, Oneida VR, and WL 316 and 50 51 plants of each were selected for healthy roots and crowns and persistence in an S1 progeny test Percentages of germplasm sources are: M. falcata (8), M. varia (5), Turkistan (62), and Flemish (25).

2. Columbia 2000 is adapted to the North Central region of the United States. The states in which it has been tested are: Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, and Ohio.

3. Columbia 2000 is similar to Saranac in fall dormancy. Flower colors in the Syn 2 and Syn 3 generations are: 85% purple, 15% variegated, trace cream, and trace yellow. Columbia 2000 contains no male steriles and essentially all plants produce pollen.

4. Columbia 2000 has resistance to Bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, Verticillium wilt, and Pea aphid. It has moderate resistance to Stem nematode, and low resistance to Anthracnose (Race 1), Northern Root Knot nematode, Phytophthora root rot and Spotted alfalfa aphid.

5. Breeders seed (Syn 1) was produced under space isolation at Prosser WA in 1989, and limited to that seasons production. Breeders seed is held by the breeder. Foundation seed was produced from Breeders seed and Certified produced from Foundation. A maximum of three years is permitted on stands producing Foundation seed and five years for Certified. Sufficient Breeder seed for the projected life of the variety will be maintained by the Wisconsin Crop Improvement Association.

6. Certified seed will be available spring of 1998.

7. Application for Plant Variety Protection is pending.

8. Information in the NAVRB application can be forwarded to the PVP office.

9. Variety name: Columbia 2000 Date submitted: 11/26/97.

Experimental designation: VSX