
1. ABI 9283 is a synthetic variety with 350 parent clones. Parent clones trace to two populations selected for resistance to Phytophthora root rot,anthracnose (Race 1), bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, Verticillium wilt, blue alfalfa aphid, spotted alfalfa aphid, pea aphid, stem nematode, southern root knot nematode, and crown rot.  Recurrent phenotypic selection was used. Final selections were made from two and three year old nurseries near Kingsburg, California, based on overall root and crown health.  Parentage traces to experimentals closely related to 13R supreme (75%) and unknown (25%). Breeder seed (Syn 1) was produced on parental clones near Kingsburg, California In 1992 under field isolation.  Approximate germplasm source contributes are: M. falcata (1%), Ladak (1%), M. varia (2%), Turkistan (25%), Flemish (1%), Chilean (2%), Peruvian (1%), Indian (2%), African (40%). And unknown (25%).

2. ABI 9283 is intended for use in central and southern California, and the lower elevations of Arizona and New Mexico. ABI 9283 variety has been tested in California.

3. Fall dormancy is similar to Moapa 69. Flower color in the Syn 2 generation is 98% purple, 1% variegated and with less than 1% each of white and yellow.

4. ABI 9283 has high resistance to Fusarium Wilt, and the Spotted alfalfa Aphid; resistance to Phytophthora Root Rot, Pea Aphid and Southern Root Knot Nematode; moderate resistance to Bacterial Wilt, Verticillium Wilt, Blue Alfalfa Aphid, Anthracnose (Race I), and Stem Nematode.

5. Seed increase is limited to one generation each of breeder (Syn 1), foundation (Syn 2) and certified (Syn 3) seed classes. Certified seed may be produced from either breeder or foundation classes. A 1,3 an 5 year stand life is permitted on fields producing breeder, foundation and certified classes, respectively. Foundation seed production, outside the area of adaptation is limited to single-season production (non-overwintering). Second year of production may be allowed with inspection and approval by breeder prior to second year production. Breeder seed was produced in 1992. ABI will maintain sufficient stocks for the projected life of the variety.

6. Certified seed will be available in 1998

7. Plant variety protection will not be applied for.

8. This information can be forwarded to the PVP office.

9. Variety Name: Date submitted November 19. 1997

Experimental designations:ABI9283, ZX9283

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