Genetics, ultrastructure and adaptive significance of organellar

genome inheritance in alfalfa


S.E. Smith* and H. Lloyd Mogensen


S.E. Smith, School of Renewable Natural Resources, 301 Biological Sciences East, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721; H.Lloyd Mogensen, Dept. of Biological Sciences, P.O. Box 5640, Northern Arizona Univ., Flagstaff, AZ 86011. *Correspondi ng author (




Research conduced since the mid-1980s has shown that alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) inherits plastids (and plastid DNA) biparentally with a strong paternal bias. The genotypes of both the maternal and paternal parents influence the degr ee to which plastids are transmitted in a particular hybridization event. The number of plastids or plastid genomes present within cells of the microgametophyte has not been consistently related to the strength of plastid transmission as a paternal parent . However, the number and positioning of plastids within the egg cell relative to the micropyle and this cell’s initial plane of division are associated with strength of maternal plastid transmission. The evolutionary significance of plastid inheritance i n alfalfa remains poorly understood. The number of plastid nucleoids in generative cells of alfalfa has been negatively associated with male fertility indicating that sperm with fewer plastids may be more successful in affecting fertilization. Available e vidence suggests that mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA are inherited in a uniparental maternal fashion in alfalfa and that mitochondrial degeneration may occur during microgametophyte development. Our understanding of the biology of organelle inheritanc e in alfalfa is now considerable and it may be possible to apply this knowledge in alfalfa improvement.




The often atypical inheritance of organellar-associated traits has interested many plant biologists since soon after the rediscovery of Mendel’s work (Kirk and Tilney-Bassett 1978). Indeed, explanations for particular modes of organellar (cytoplasmic) inheritance, such as the strict uniparental inheritance of plastids, remains one of the more significant puzzles in modern biology (Reboud and Zeyl, 1994; Kondrashov, 1997). Research that began at the University of Wisconsin in the mid-1980s has resulted in considerable understanding of the genetic and developmental controls governing organelle inheritance in alfalfa. The detailed knowledge available regarding especially plastid inheritance in alfalfa makes this one of the best understood model organisms for the study of organellar inheritance. My goals here are to 1) briefly review the highlights of research on organelle inheritance in alfalfa with emphasis placed on plastids, which is understood best, and 2) speculate on where this research might lead n ext and how our knowledge might perhaps be useful in alfalfa improvement.

Basic characterization of the mode of plastid inheritance

Chlorophyll-deficient mutants: The real workhorses

Since the earliest studies of non-Mendelian inheritance, chimeras that exhibit normal and chlorophyll-deficient sectors have provided the most accessible tools for understanding modes of plastid inheritance (Tilney-Bassett, 1986). In this approach, sectored plants with normal (green) and chlorophyll-deficient tissue will occasionally produce sectors with pure chlorophyll-deficient tissues in all cell layers and with viable flowers (Smith et al., 1986). Spores from these flowers can be used in recip rocal crosses and inferences drawn about plastid inheritance from the appearance of the progenies: green, chlorophyll-deficient, or sectored. Explicit conclusions about plastid inheritance can only be drawn however if the basis for chlorophyll-deficient m utants can be directly linked to an autonomous plastid (chloroplast DNA, cpDNA) mutation. Sectored chlorophyll-deficient mutants are relatively common in alfalfa populations, occurring at frequencies of approximately 1-3 per 2000 seedlings (S. E. Smith, u npublished data).

Data collected beginning in the late 1950s using chlorophyll-deficient genotypes of Medicago truncatula (Lilienfeld, 1962) suggested that plastids were not strictly maternally inherited in this species. Lilienfeld was apparently interested prima rily in the basis for the chlorophyll deficiency, which occurred in F1's from two M. truncatula ecotypes, and not in the mode of plastid inheritance. A similar example of apparent plastid mutation associated with hybridization was descri bed for M. Dzhawakhetica ´ M. sativa hybrid progenies by Lesins (1961). While tantalizing in retrospect, neither study could provide conclusive evidence regarding plastid inheritance mode within Medicago.

The story of plastid inheritance in alfalfa began with research with chlorophyll-deficient mutants in the mid 1980s (Smith et al., 1986). Working with two mutants, we showed first that the chlorophyll-deficient phenotypes involved were not likely cause d by a virus since they could not be sap transmitted. Then we demonstrated that the mutants were true breeding and exhibited developmental patterns in sectored tissue characteristic of the sorting-out of normal and abnormal plastids. Lastly, results of re ciprocal crosses using flowers from both pure sectors of both plastid types (Table 1) strongly suggested that the chlorophyll deficiencies were the result of plastid mutations, and that plastids are inherited biparentally with a strong paternal bias.

Biparental inheritance of plastids and cpDNA in alfalfa was demonstrated unequivocally shortly thereafter by the work of Lee et al. (1988; 1989). This research involved three fundamental observations, each of which was critical to establishing the mode of plastid inheritance in this species. First, Lee et al. (1989) showed that unique cpDNA restriction fragments were associated with both of the chlorophyll-deficient mutants used by Smith et al. (1986). When coupled with ultrastructural data showing tha t plastids from chlorophyll-deficient sectors had significantly arrested development compared to plastids from normal tissue (Lee et al., 1989), it could be established that these chlorophyll-deficient mutants were due to plastid mutations. Lee et al. (19 88) also demonstrated hybrid progenies from normal ´ chlorophyll-deficient crosses contained cpDNA from the pollen parent in chlorophyll-deficient sectors and cpDNA f rom the seed parent in green sectors. In addition, Lee et al. (1988) observed mesophyll cells in these hybrid progenies with both normal and chlorophyll-deficient plastids characteristic of the two parents, a phenomenon known as "heteroplasmy" (Chesser, 1 998).

Additional evidence for biparental inheritance of cpDNA

Following the research of Lee et al. (1988; 1989), a series of reports appeared where analysis of cpDNA restriction fragments was used to describe plastid inheritance in alfalfa. Johnson and Palmer (1989) demonstrated heteroplasmy within population s of alfalfa and Medicago scutellata. They further found a single M. scutellata plant that was heteroplasmic suggesting that it resulted from a mating where both parents contributed plastids. Schumann and Hancock (1989) and Masoud et al. (19 90) observed biparental inheritance of cpDNA and further established a strong pollen parent bias to plastid inheritance in alfalfa.

Establishing a genetic basis for variation in plastid inheritance

We had noted what appeared to be the influences of parental genotype on plastid transmission in our initial work with chlorophyll-deficient mutants (Table 1)(Smith et al., 1986). In order to establish whether this variation was under genetic contro l, I introduced the original yellow-green plastid mutant into four different nuclear backgrounds (Smith, 1989b). Pollen from flowers in pure chlorophyll-deficient sectors on these F1 plants was then used in crosses with five normal maternal par ents and the plastid constitution of the resulting progenies was scored in seedlings. This research reconfirmed that plastid inheritance in alfalfa is strongly paternally biased and further established that it is influenced by both the maternal and patern al genotypes (Table 2). Particular plants could then be characterized in terms of their average plastid "transmission strength" as a paternal or maternal parent. The high proportion of progenies with apparently only paternally or maternally derived plasti ds observed (mean=68%) suggested that variation in plastid inheritance might be exerted through effects on the number or distribution of plastids from each parent early during embryo development. Detailed ultrastructural analysis was necessary to confirm this.

Interpreting plastid inheritance using ultrastructrual analysis

Observations of microgametophytes

Having genotypes of known plastid transmission ability available made it possible to examine the details of plastid inheritance by observing organelles and their contents in generative, vegetative, sperm and egg cells, and proembryos. This was done using serial ultrathin sectioning and three-dimensional reconstruction of these structures (Mogensen, 1996). Using this approach, Zhu et al. (1990) showed that generative cells from plants that differed in paternal plastid transmission strength did not d iffer morphologically. Zhu et al. (1991) then used more quantitative cytological methods and demonstrated that variables such a s plastid number or volume within individual generative cells was not directly correlated with plastid transmission strength as a paternal parent.

It is important to note that plastid inheritance depends on transmission and multiplication of cpDNA (plastid genomes) not only of the organelles. It is possible that the apparent lack of a relationship between the number and size of plastids in genera tive cells and transmission strength could be due to differences in the number of plastid genomes contained within each organelle. By examining generative cells stained with the DNA-flourochrome DAPI and using epifluorecence microscopy, it is possible to quantify plastid DNA aggregates ("plastid nucleoids") that presumably represent plastid genomes (Corriveau and Coleman, 1988; 1991). Shi et al. (1991) used this technique and showed that plastid nucleoid number per generative cell was in fact less than th e number of plastids per generative cell suggesting some plastids in this cell may not contain cpDNA. However, as was the case with plastid number, there was no consistent correlation between the number of plastid nucleoids per generative cell and paterna l plastid transmission strength.

By combining the two analysis methods discussed above, Zhu et al. (1992) were able to describe the number and position of plastids and plastid nucleoids in individual sperm cells of alfalfa. Sperm dimorphism could affect organelle inheritance if one sp erm preferentially fertilizes the egg (Mogensen, 1992). However, this research showed that the sum of the number of plastids and plastid nucleoids within the two sperms of a pair is not different from that in the entire generative cell. But it was observe d that over 60% of the plastids in the sperm cells did not contain any DNA based on DAPI staining. Importantly, the number of plastids also did not differ significantly between the two sperms of a pair, confirming that sperm dimorphism does not exist in a lfalfa.

Observations of egg cells, zygotes and proembryos

Probably the most revealing observation from all the ultrastructural studies of plastid inheritance in alfalfa came from analysis of egg cells by Zhu et al. (1993). Cells from two genotypes were used in this research. One (6-4) is a strong transmit ter of plastids as a maternal parent while the other (CUF-B) is a weak transmitter. Within the egg cell, plastids in 6-4 were larger and more numerous than in egg cells from CUF-B. Furthermore, more plastids were positioned in the apex of the egg cell in 6-4 than in CUF-B. CUF-B had a majority of its plastids on the micropylar side of the division plane of the zygote. The embryo is derived from only the apical portion of the egg cell in alfalfa, and so these observations would appear to at least partially explain differences between genotypes in maternal plastid transmission strength. Rusche et al. (1995) provided further support for this interpretation by observing that the plastid distribution seen in CUF-B egg cells is maintained through the first divi sion of the zygote. This research also demonstrated that more paternal plastids appeared in the apical portion of the zygote and in the apical cell of the proembryo than did maternal plastids. Collectively, these studies suggest that distribution of mater nal and paternal plastids in the zygote may be a significant determinant of plastid inheritance patterns in alfalfa.

Mechanisms in addition to plastid placement may also be involved in affecting variation in plastid inheritance in alfalfa. Using heteroplasmic tissue in culture, Fitter and Rose (1993) revealed that plastids with different cpDNAs may multiply at differ ent rates. This indicates that plastid genomes that are at a numerical disadvantage at fertilization may come to predominate in mature plants. This has been observed in Oenothera (Schotz, 1975) and Pelargonium (Pelargonium ´ Hortorum) (Tilney-Bassett, 1973) taxa which also exhibit biparental inheritance of plastids.

Adaptive significance of variation in plastid inheritance

The evolutionary significance of particular modes of plastid inheritance– especially biparental inheritance with a strong paternal bias–remains largely a matter of speculation. Transmission of plastids via the microgametophyte may be related to rol es played by either the organelles themselves or their nucleic acids in affecting reproductive success through their influences on the growth and development of the gametophyte itself. If this is the case, quantitative differences in plastid or cpDNA cont ent might be related to microgametophyte or embryo performance. Further, these differences might then be related to differences in mating system, plant habit, or reproductive success. Keys et al. (1995a) quantified plastid nucleoids in genotypes from gene rative cells in 18 taxa of Medicago and related genera. The number of nucleoids was found to be proportional to volume of pollen grains and generative cells in each genotype studied. When represented relative to these volumes, nucleoid number per g enerative cell was not significantly related to ploidy level, mating system, perenniality (Table 3) or to floral, pollen grain, or generative cell size. These data strongly suggest that the number of plastid nucleoids in the microgametophyte provides no o bvious selective advantage.

Keys et al. (1995b) further investigated the possible relationship between plastid nucleoid number per generative cell and reproductive success in alfalfa. This research showed that the number of plastid nucleoids per generative cell was actually ne gatively associated with male fertility suggesting that sperm that have minimized their plastid DNA content may actually be more successful in affecting fertilization (Fig. 1). We hypothesize that plastid nucleoids may persist in generative cells of a lfalfa in spite of this relationship as a result of the reduced importance of sexual reproduction due to this species perenniality and perhaps its long history of cultivation.

The possibility remains that paternally biased plastid inheritance exists in species such as alfalfa because it provides an opportunity for pollen donors to gain a competitive advantage within a population by affecting progeny performance through impro ved (e.g., more efficient) plastid-nuclear interaction. This represents a potential example of sexual selection (Willson, 1994). Given this species high pollen grain:ovule ratio, (Small, 1988) being able to influence progeny fitness by contributing both p lastids and nuclear genomes allows pollen donors to contribute to the evolution of the population disproportionately to their seed production potential. Such a situation could be envisioned to evolve under a particular set of demographic conditions. Speci fically, breeding populations that are dominated by a relatively few large mature individuals that serve as the primary maternal parents but that may receive pollen from any of a large number of relatively small immature individuals.

While the necessity for a compatible relationship between plastid and nuclear genomes is well accepted (Scott et al., 1991; Glick and Sears, 1994), recognition and exploitation of agronomically positive cytoplasmic-nuclear interactions has not been com mon (Smith, 1989a; Jan, 1992). In our research we have observed significant differences in fitness-related traits such as shoot biomass among reciprocal cross progenies in alfalfa (Table 4). Nevertheless, we have not yet directly linked these differences to interactions between plastid and nuclear genomes. An ongoing experiment may provide data helpful in determining whether the sexual selection scenario outlined above may occur in alfalfa. In this experiment, we have conducted mass selection for forage y ield using equal overall selection intensity but with different intensities imposed upon maternal and paternal parents (Table 5). If paternal parents are able to make contributions to progeny performance that exceed those of maternal parents then progenie s derived from more intense selection of paternal parents should have highest levels of performance. In addition to alfalfa, a parallel selection and evaluation experiment is being conducted with birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), which exhibi ts maternal inheritance of cpDNA (Gauthier et al., 1997).

Evidence regarding the inheritance of mitochondria

The preponderance of data available now indicates that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and most likely mitochondria are inherited in a strictly maternal fashion in alfalfa. Schumann and Hancock (1989) and Forsthoefel et al. (1992) showed that only mtDNA rest riction fragments characteristic of the maternal parent were observed in F1 hybrids in alfalfa. Mitochondria have been observed in generative and sperm cells of alfalfa (Zhu et al., 1991). However, Zhu et al. (1992) reported the number of these organelles was greatly reduced during sperm cell development and suggested this may be the result of mitochondrial degeneration. Observing distinctly different modes of inheritance for these two primary organelles is not at all unusual in plants. Indeed, it is generally the rule (e.g., Mogensen, 1996; Testolin and Cipriani, 1997; Havey et al., 1998), and the complicates evolutionary explanation of modes of organelle inheritance.


The authors would like to recognize and thank those who have exerted significant influences on the authors of this article and on much of the research it describes. At the University of Wisconsin: E. T. Bingham, R. W. Groose, W. P. Kojis, and L. E. Talbert; at Montana State University: N. Blake, T. K. Blake, D. J. Lee and T. J. McCoy; at Northern Arizona University: M. Rusche, L. Shi and T. Zhu; at the University of Arizona: H. J. Bohnert, D. J. Fairbanks, D. Fendenheim, N. R. Forsthoefel, and R. N . Keys; at Michigan State University: B. B. Sears; and at the University of Wales: R. E. A. Tilney-Bassett.


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Fig. 1. Path analysis diagram describing microgametophytic characters and components of male reproductive success for eight genotypes of alfalfa when crossed with the male-sterile genotype 6-4. Double-he aded arrows depict correlations and numerical values are path coefficients. Single-headed arrows depict cause-and-effect relationships and numerical values are standardized regression coefficients. (Adapted from Keys et al., 1995b).

Table 1. Number of normal and chlorophyll-deficient progenies produced in reciprocal crosses between normal testers and pure yellow-green and albino flowers on mutant plants. (Adapted from Smith et al., 1986).


Number of progenies








Chlorophyll deficient







58 (43%)







149 (61%)



















18 (16%)







164 (83%)


Table 2. Percentage of purely paternal, purely maternal and sectored progenies from crosses between two chlorophyll-deficient (CD) and two normal (green, G) alfalfa plants. (Adapted from Smith, 1989b).





% of progenies

Maternal parent (G)



Paternal parent (CD)



Purely paternal

Purely maternal











































† Chlorophyll-deficiency due to plastids from "yellow-green" mutant of Smith et al., 1986.

Table 3. Mean number of plastid nucleoids per generative cell and per generative cell nuclear volume for Medicago taxa grouped by ploidy and mating system. (Adapted from Keys et al., 1995).



Number of taxa

Nucleoids per generative cell (GC)

Nucleoids per generative cell / GC volume




















































Table 4. Total shoot biomass produced during six consecutive regrowth periods by S1 progenies of reciprocal F1 hybrids of three alfalfa genotypes generated from crosses with the genotype 1T.





Total shoot biomass (g/plant)

Maternal parent



Paternal parent



Mean ± SE







5.70 ± 0.22**







4.28 ± 0.22**


(LSD, 5%)























6.19 ± 0.27**







6.92 ± 0.24**


(LSD, 5%)



















4.91 ± 0.23







4.93 ± 0.23


(LSD, 5%)







† A total of seven F1 progenies were randomly selected for each reciprocal cross and self pollinated. Equal amounts of S1 seed from each F1was bulked to produce the population evaluated.

Table 5. Summary of protocol followed to select parents for single cross populations to be used evaluate the effects of paternally biased selection for forage yield in alfalfa.




Selection bias

Selection differential

(g plant -1)

Maternal parent



Paternal parent

Highest 5%


Highest 20%




Highest 20%


Highest 5%



† Mean yield of entire population = 2.55 g plant -1.


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