and AFLP Marker Diversity Among Nine Alfalfa Germplasms.
M. Ray, Armando Segovia-Lerma, Lee W. Murray, and M. Shaun Townsend
I.M. Ray and A. Segovia-Lerma,
Dep. of Agronomy and Horticulture, and L.W. Murray, University Statistics Center,
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003. M.S. Townsend, USDA-ARS,
Corvallis, OR 97331. Research support provided by the New Mexico Agric. Exp.
Station and a grant from the Southwest Consortium on Plant Genetics and Water
Resources (SWC-98-01). * Corresponding author (iaray@nmsu.edu).
Heterotic groups and patterns
are of fundamental importance in hybrid breeding. A systematic approach to
characterize heterotic responses among nine alfalfa germplasms, that represent
most of the genetic diversity in U.S. cultivars, was conducted to provide
information to more knowledgeably manipulate heterosis among these populations.
Heterotic responses among the germplasms was determined by evaluating forage
yield of the nine germplasms and their 36 diallel hybrids in seeded plots that
were harvested five times in each of two years. Commercially acceptable yields
were obtained from some hybrids of unimproved parents, where at least one
parent was adapted to the study environment. Favorable allelic combinations
influencing forage yield were obtained using some materials generally
considered to be unadapted to the irrigated southwestern U.S. Variation among
crosses was attributed primarily to GCA effects, however, SCA effects were also
significant. Significant heterosis was detected among the germplasms and
relative midparent heterosis ranged from -21% to 55%. Selection of populations
with the highest GCA effects, within two broad dormancy categories (i.e.,
dormant and mostly nondormant), identified all parents for five of the six
highest yielding hybrids. The data indicated that unimproved parents possessing
good general performance may be useful in commercial breeding programs.
Additional opportunities also exist to capitalize on heterosis associated with
specific crosses. Analysis of genetic relationships between populations, based
on AFLP profiles of bulked DNAs from genotypes within each germplasm, produced
essentially two clusters with one resembling M. sativa ssp. sativa and
the other M. sativa ssp. falcata. Pairwise genetic distances between
germplasms ranged from 0.09 to 0.24. Genetic distance was not a useful
predictor of hybrid performance because the association between these traits
was apparently influenced by differing frequencies of favorable alleles in the
populations under evaluation. Additive genetic effects were much more strongly
correlated with yield than were measures of marker heterozygosity suggesting
that field evaluation of hybrids is needed to identify high yielding alfalfa
hybrid combinations.
Heterosis describes the
deviation of a hybrid relative to the mean of its parents. This phenomenon is
of fundamental importance in commercial hybrid development. Optimum use of
heterosis requires crossing between genetically unrelated germplasm pools,
which consist of genotypes that display similar combining ability and heterotic
response when crossed with other genetically distinct groups. Heterotic groups
can be developed based on hybrid and parental performance, in addition to
maintenance of large genetic variance, and low inbreeding depression in the
source materials (Hill, 1983; Melchinger and Gumber, 1998). Hybrid and parent
performance can be accurately determined under replicated field evaluation.
Diallel analyses including parents are useful for such evaluations when a few
populations are involved. With many uncharacterized populations, other mating
strategies must be used which provide a good estimate of parental general
combining ability (GCA). Estimation of population genetic variances is very
resource intensive because large numbers of families must be evaluated within
each population. Alternatively, DNA markers can be used to measure genetic
diversity within populations. These markers may also be used to group
populations based on their genetic similarities (Melchinger and Gumber, 1998).
Practical application of molecular markers to genetic studies of heterozygous,
heterogeneous populations, however, have been limited because large numbers of
individuals need to be examined. Bulking DNA, from individual genotypes within
populations, may provide an efficient approach to study genetic relationships
among heterogeneous populations. The restriction fragment length polymorphism
(RFLP) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) patterns obtained from
bulked DNA samples in alfalfa have generally represented consensus patterns for
the common markers seen for individual lines (Kidwell et al., 1994a; Yu and
Pauls, 1993b). Lastly, minimizing inbreeding depression in source populations
can most easily be achieved by maintaining reasonable effective population
sizes during cycles of selection. Alternatively, high levels of heterosis may
potentially be achieved using partially inbred sources that are mated in double
crosses or double-double crosses.
Studies examining relationships
between genetic distance among parents and hybrid heterosis have provided
conflicting results. Moll et al. (1962, 1965) first reported that crosses
between maize parents from different geographic areas tended to produce hybrids
with greater heterosis than parents from similar geographic origins. A decrease
in heterosis was observed, however, when levels of genetic diversity were very
high. Bonierbale et al. (1993) reported similar results in autotetraploid
potato. Some studies in alfalfa and maize detected positive associations
between DNA marker diversity and hybrid yield (Kidwell et al., 1994b, 1994c;
Smith et al., 1990, Osborn et al., 1998). Most studies, however, reported low
correlations between DNA marker distance and hybrid performance (Lee et al.,
1989, Godshalk et al., 1990; Melchinger et al., 1990; Martin et al., 1995).
These variable observations, in conjunction with simulation studies of Bernardo
(1992), suggest that associations between hybrid yield and genetic distance are
influenced by the frequency of favorable/unfavorable alleles present in the
populations under evaluation.
Heterosis plays a key role in maximizing
alfalfa forage yield. Various studies indicate that higher alfalfa yields
result from the accumulation of favorable alleles through breeding and
selection (Pfeiffer and Bingham, 1983a, 1983b; Woodfield and Bingham, 1995),
and potentially through maximizing complementary gene interaction (Bingham et
al., 1994; Bingham, 1998). Complementary gene interaction refers to nonallelic
interaction (i.e., epistasis) where dominant alleles at heterozygous loci
compliment each other by masking recessive alleles at respective loci. One
approach to maximize heterosis and complementary gene interactions in alfalfa
is to intermate genetically diverse populations. Bingham (1983) proposed that
controlled crosses between source populations could result in hybrid progeny
with nearly twice the frequency of maximally heterozygous loci and greater
heterosis compared to randomly mated populations. Similar results should also
be obtained with respect to complementary gene interactions. Furthermore, if
selection is practiced within populations prior to hybridization, the
opportunity exists for the breeder to exploit many forms of epistasis.
Much of the genetic diversity
present in North American alfalfa cultivars traces to nine geographically
distinct germplasm sources: African, Chilean, Flemish, Indian, Ladak, M.falcata,
M. varia, Peruvian, and Turkistan (Barnes et al., 1977). Determining
heterotic response patterns among these populations could provide information
to better manipulate heterosis in cultivated alfalfa. Evaluation of DNA marker
diversity among germplasms may be useful for classifying populations into
genetically similar groups, as well as, providing information useful for
predicting heterosis. The objectives of this research were: (i) to describe
heterotic responses among diallel hybrids of nine alfalfa germplasms, (ii) to
determine if amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) from genomic DNA
bulks could be used to describe genetic relationships among the nine
germplasms, and (iii) to determine if AFLP marker based genetic relationships
among the germplasms were associated with heterotic response.
Nine alfalfa germplasms were
synthesized using two "relic" seed sources (1940-1960 era) that
represented each germplasm. Seed sources were obtained from breeding programs in
California, New Mexico, Washington, and Wisconsin and were grouped according to
their respective germplasm designation (Table 1). Each germplasm was
represented by 30 plants (i.e., 15 plants per source) in order to account for
genetic heterogeneity within the seed sources. The germplasms were crossed by
hand in a half-diallel. Hybrid populations were generated by crossing each
plant within a germplasm to one other plant in each of the other eight
germplasms. Parental populations were synthesized by randomly intercrossing all
genotypes within a given germplasm. An equal number of seed, within each cross
from each plant, was bulked to form balanced composite populations for each
Field performance of the nine
parents, 36 hybrid populations, and four check cultivars were evaluated using
three-row 1.5-m plots that were seeded at a rate of 300 seed plot-1.
Control plots of the cultivar Dona Ana, were established between experimental
plots to minimize interplot interactions. Three replicates of this study were
planted near Las Cruces, NM, in randomized complete blocks. Forage yield was
collected over 5 harvests each in 1997 and 1998. Data were collected when the
Flemish and Turkistan germplasms (possessing moderate maturation rates) reached
10% bloom. Analyses were based on mean yield over harvests within each year.
Analyses of hybrid performance, parent heterosis, specific heterosis, general
combining ability (GCA), and specific combining ability (SCA) were determined
according to Method II and Method III of Gardner and Eberhart (1966). Midparent
heterosis (MPH) was calculated as the difference between hybrid yield and the
parental mean (midparent value = MPV) expressed in percentage relative to the
MPV. High parent heterosis (HPH) was determined as the difference between
hybrid yield and its highest yielding parent expressed in percentage relative
to the high parent yield.
Total genomic DNA was isolated
(Yu and Pauls, 1993a) from leaf tissue collected from the 30 genotypes
representing each germplasm. Equal quantities of DNA from each genotype were
pooled within their respective germplasm. Bulked DNAs of each germplasm were
subjected to AFLP (Perkin Elmer Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) analysis
using ten fluorescently labeled primer combinations according to the procedures
of Thomas et al. (1995) and Vos et al. (1995). The DNA fragments were resolved
on a 5% denaturing polyacrylamide gel using an ABI 377 DNA sequencer. Fragment
data were analyzed using GeneScan software. Polymorphic DNA fragments were scored
as either present (1) or absent (0) in each DNA bulk. The AFLP data were
subjected to cluster analysis using the Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate
Analysis System (NTSYS; Rohlf, 1993) to produce a matrix of genetic similarity
values based on Jaccard's coefficient of similarity (J). Similarity
estimates were converted to genetic distance (GD) according to Swofford and
Olson (1990). The genetic distance matrix was used to create a dendogram using
the unweighted pair-group arithmetic average method (UPGMA).
Pairwise genetic distances
between the nine germplasms, based on the AFLP analyses, were tested for
associations with field performance of the 36 hybrid populations. Correlations
between these traits and GCA, MPV, MPH, and HPH were also determined. Multiple
linear regression was used to test the association between hybrid forage yield
(dependent variable) and GD in combination with GCA (both independent
variables). The correlation was calculated between the predicted values
obtained for forage yield from the regression and actual forage yield. M.
falcata and its hybrids strongly biased associations between GD and forage
yield, therefore, trait associations were reexamined by excluding M. falcata
hybrids from the analyses. The influence of favorable allele frequency on
associations between hybrid yield and GD were examined using correlation
coefficients between the two traits obtained from the "half-sib"
families/hybrids derived from each parent germplasm. Correlations for eight of
the germplasms were based on n = 7 hybrids (M. falcata hybrids
excluded for reasons stated above). Correlations between GD and yield within M.
falcata were based on n = 8 hybrids.
Field Performance and
Heterotic Patterns of Diallel Hybrids
Significant differences in
forage yields were detected for all main effects using Analysis II (Table 2).
With the exception of average heterosis, these effects also demonstrated
significant interactions with years. The magnitudes of the interaction mean
squares, however, were substantially smaller than the mean squares of the main
effects. The results of Analysis III indicated that variation among crosses was
attributed primarily to GCA effects, however, SCA effects were also significant
(Table 3). This behavior would be expected if additive effects were of major
importance. The significance of SCA effects in both Analysis II and III suggest
that opportunities may exist to capitalize on heterosis associated with
specific crosses.
yields of African and Chilean were highest while M. falcata, Ladak,
Flemish, and M. varia were lowest (Table 4). Ten of the 36 hybrids from
these unimproved parents produced forage yields comparable to the cultivars
Wilson, Commercial 1, Commercial 2, and Dona Ana, which yielded 1.98, 1.75,
1.70 and 1.67 kg/plot, respectively. These data suggest that commercially
acceptable yields can be obtained using unimproved parents. Each of these 10
hybrids were derived from crosses involving either Peruvian or Chilean as
parents. Three hybrids, Peruvian x African, Peruvian x Chilean, and Chilean x
Flemish, yielded similarly to Wilson, the best check cultivar. Forage yields of
the three remaining checks were similar to each other and to hybrids derived
from crossing Chilean to Flemish, Turkistan, Indian, Ladak, and M. varia,
as well as, crossing Peruvian to Turkistan, Flemish, and African. The largest
positive SCA estimates (data not shown) were associated with the African x M.
falcata, African x Peruvian, and Chilean x Flemish hybrids. Two of these three
hybrids ranked #1 and #3 for yield. The vigor shown in the Chilean x Flemish,
Chilean x Ladak, Chilean x M. varia, and Peruvian x Ladak hybrids
indicate that important alleles/allelic combinations influencing forage yield
can be obtained using materials generally considered to be unadapted to the
irrigated southwest.
Individual GCA effects were
positive for African, Chilean, Peruvian, and Turkistan and were negative for M.
falcata, M. varia, Ladak, Indian, and Flemish (Table 4). Relative midparent
heterosis ranged from a low of -21% (MPH=79%) in the Indian x Ladak hybrid, to
55% (MPH=155%) in the Chilean x M. falcata hybrid. M. falcata hybrids
performed poorly but demonstrated the highest average MPH because M. falcata
yielded poorly as a parent resulting in low MPVs. M. falcata's
contribution to crosses was negative (GCA=-0.38) limiting its usefulness as a
parent in our study environment. Conversely, Peruvian showed high levels of
heterosis in all crosses, the highest cross-mean performance, and possessed a
GCA effect comparable to that of Chilean. Although yields of Peruvian per se
were moderate, these data suggest that it may have value as a parent for
breeding purposes. Townsend and Henning (1995) and Barnes et al. (1977)
reported that Peruvian germplasm has been utilized in only a small percentage
of U.S alfalfa varieties and its contribution to those varieties is small
(<10%). The strong performance of the Chilean hybrids was expected in our
study environment based on previous experience (Melton, 1999, pers. comm.; Ray
et al., 1998).
data suggest that parent selection should be based on hybrid performance,
parental GCA effects, and SCA estimates of specific hybrids. Practically
speaking, hybrid performance is crucial for commercial forage production. The
relatively low ratio of s2SCA to s2GCA reported in our study and elsewhere (Hill, 1983) indicated
that early testing should be effective in alfalfa. It should also be possible
to identify and select parent populations of superior synthetic hybrids based
mainly on their GCA effects. The significance of SCA effects in our study
suggests that further improvements in yield can be made by identifying specific
high yielding crosses among good general combiners. Given the resources
required for diallel analyses it is difficult to envision using this approach,
or any other controlled mating design, to evaluate large numbers of parents
such as exist in the alfalfa core collection (n = 200) or in perennial Medicago
accessions (n = 2400) within the National Plant Germplasm System
(Basigalup et al., 1995; Diwan et al., 1995). Evaluation of topcross or
polycross progeny or parents per se, however, would provide alternative
approaches for identifying useful parents in these collections based primarily
on their GCA. Evaluation of polycross or topcross progeny would identify the
most promising parents from a group of size n with only n crosses
instead of n(n-1)/2 crosses (e.g., half diallel). These two approaches,
however, still require considerable effort and time. Once parents with good
combining ability are identified the breeder has at least two options. They may
choose to pool/intermate the parents to form one large gene pool, which is then
subjected to recurrent selection and hybridization between elite genotypes.
This approach increases additive genetic variation within the population and
allows the breeder to select for additive effects and additive x additive
epistasis. Synthetics produced by the pooling approach, however, will have
fewer maximally heterozygous loci and fewer complementary gene interactions.
Alternatively, the breeder could practice recurrent selection within selected
populations followed by hybridization between elite genotypes from different
populations for commercial cultivar development. This approach allows the
breeder to select for favorable additive alleles, capitalize on all forms of
epistasis (including complementary gene interactions), and generate maximally
heterozygous synthetics.
The usefulness of this approach
can be partially demonstrated using our data. Due to the influence of fall
dormancy on forage yield we divided the nine germplasms into two dormancy
categories involving dormant (i.e., M. falcata, Ladak, M. varia,
Turkistan, and Flemish) and relatively nondormant materials (i.e., Chilean,
Peruvian, Indian, and African). Selection of two populations with the best GCA
within a given dormancy category identified Turkistan and Flemish as the best
dormant combiners and Peruvian and Chilean as the best nondormant combiners. The
five hybrids from these four parents, excluding the Flemish x Turkistan (i.e.,
unadapted x unadapted) cross, were five of the six highest yielding hybrids.
Extending this analysis to multiple environments would help to identify which
of the nine germplasms have the greatest breeding potential for various
geographic regions in the U.S. and elsewhere. Our data indicate that only nine
topcross/polycross populations would need to be evaluated at each location
rather than their 36 diallel hybrids. Evaluation of parents would also be
useful although somewhat less informative. A similar type of approach could
potentially be used to systematically evaluate unimproved accessions in the
National Plant Germplasm System for their usefulness as parents in commercial
breeding programs. Accessions demonstrating positive GCA effects for a given
environment(s) could be mated in partial diallels to determine heterotic
patterns for classifying them into combining ability/heterotic groups.
Populations within a heterotic group could be pooled or divided into a subset
of pools for intrapopulation improvement programs. Heterotic groups would not
be considered as closed populations, but could be broadened continuously by
introgressing unique germplasm (with similar heterotic patterns) to ensure
medium and long-term gains from selection. Collaboration among public and
private organizations would be needed to achieve this goal.
Estimates of Genetic
Diversity Among the Nine Germplasms
Variation of RFLPs and RAPDs
among and within Medicago species and subspecies has demonstrated
significant genetic diversity at both the diploid and tetraploid levels
(Brummer et al., 1991, 1995; Echt et al., 1992). Kidwell et al., (1994a)
characterized RFLP profiles of 12 individual genotypes within each of nine
germplasms that were similar to those used in our study. In general, the UPGMA
cluster based on 358 AFLPs from bulked DNAs of the nine germplasms (Fig. 1)
agreed with the RFLP results reported by Kidwell et al. (1994a); at least for
those populations whose genotypes clustered reasonably well in their study.
Both studies essentially classified the nine germplasms into two main clusters
of M. sativa ssp. sativa and M. sativa ssp. falcata. Principle component
analysis results reported by Kidwell et al. (1994a) provided additional
information suggesting that the Peruvian germplasm was genetically distinct
from the other seven populations within the ssp. sativa complex.
Pair-wise genetic diversity estimates among the eight germplasms comprising the
M. sativa ssp. sativa complex were remarkably narrow and ranged from
0.09 to 0.12 (Table 5). Pair-wise genetic distances between M. sativa ssp.
falcata and the other 8 germplasms were greater and averaged 0.24. Our GD
estimates were 54 to 75% (avg. = 70%) less than those reported by Kidwell et
al. (1994a). These differences likely resulted from the DNA bulking process
where less common fragments, that were present in the patterns of individual
genotypes, may have been lost through a dilution effect. Yu and Pauls (1993b)
reported that GD based on pooled DNA samples from seven individuals averaged
43% less (range 38 to 44%) than that obtained based on individual genotypes.
Influence of Average
Favorable Allele Frequency on Associations between Yield & Genetic Distance
Simulation results of Bernardo
(1992) and empirical evidence (Moll, 1962, 1965; Bonierbale et al., 1993)
indicate that associations between general marker heterozygosity and either
hybrid performance or GCA may be influenced by allele frequencies in the tester
lines. Bernardo (1992) predicted positive associations between hybrid
performance and GD if lines with low frequencies of favorable alleles were
crossed to lines with higher frequencies of favorable alleles. However, this
association became negative if lines with high frequencies of favorable alleles
were crossed to lines with lower frequencies of favorable alleles. We attempted
to determine the influence of average favorable allele frequencies on
associations between hybrid yield and GD in alfalfa by examining associations
between hybrid yield and GD within crosses made to each germplasm (Table 6).
Populations that were poorly adapted to our study environment (i.e., M.
varia, Flemish, Ladak, and M. falcata) demonstrated positive
correlations between hybrid yield and GD; in agreement with the results of
Bernardo (1992). Populations that were better adapted to our environment (i.e.,
Chilean, African, Peruvian, and Turkistan) demonstrated negative correlations
between hybrid yield and GD; also in general agreement with the results of
Bernardo (1992). These data support the premise that hybrid performance and
heterosis are not merely a function of genetic distance but also depend on the
adaptation of the parents. The associations between GD and hybrid yield are
biologically reasonable since adapted parents are more likely to be genetically
similar to each other, and their hybrids should be relatively high yielding.
Conversely, adapted and unadapted parents are more likely to be genetically
diverse and their hybrids should be lower yielding on average.
Predicting Hybrid Performance
Associations between some traits
were strongly influenced by M. falcata. Correlation analyses, therefore,
were conducted using two data sets that contained and excluded M. falcata
hybrids (Table 7). In both analyses forage yield was positively associated with
GCA, MPV, and HPH. GCA was also positively associated with MPV and HPH in both
analyses. The positive association between MPV and hybrid yield indicated that
superior parents tended to produce higher yielding hybrids. Hybrid yield,
however, was more highly correlated with GCA than MPV indicating that progeny
performance was a better predictor of hybrid yield than parental performance per
se. A classic example of this was demonstrated by the Peruvian population
which possessed intermediate yields, per se, but exhibited a GCA value
as high as that of the best parent, Chilean. The superiority of GCA over
parental performance was further supported by the observation that GCA was
positively associated with HPH and MPH, while MPV showed no association with
either HPH or MPH (M. falcata excluded from analysis). The lack of
associations between MPV and either MPH or HPH indicated that heterosis per
se was not influenced by parental performance. When M. falcata
hybrids were included in the analysis the positive association between MPV and
HPH and the negative association between MPV and MPH primarily reflected that M.
falcata hybrids tended to have both low MPV and HPH values, but high MPH
values. When M. falcata hybrids were excluded from the analyses MPH was
positively associated with yield, GCA and HPH. These associations were not
significant when M. falcata hybrids were included because M. falcata
hybrids possessed high levels of MPH but relatively low values for yield, GCA
and HPH. Genetic distance was not associated with any trait/parameter when M.
falcata was excluded from the analysis. Large pairwise GDs between M.
falcata and the other eight populations, in conjunction with the poor
performance of M. falcata and its hybrids, resulted in negative
correlations between GD and forage yield, HPH, MPV and GCA. M. falcata hybrids
possessed the highest MPH values in the study resulting in a positive
correlation between GD and MPH.
In our study, hybrid performance
was influenced by both GCA and SCA effects. Therefore, we tested the
relationship between hybrid yield and both GCA and GD (as a potential indirect
estimator of SCA) using multiple linear regression. The correlation coefficient
between yield predicted from this regression model and actual yield (r=0.93;
P<0.01; n=36) was similar to that obtained between hybrid yield and
GCA alone (r=0.91;P<0.01; n=36). Similar results were obtained
when M.falcata hybrids were excluded from the analysis (n=27;
data not shown). In potato and oilseed rape additive genetic effects were also
reported to be more strongly correlated with yield components than were
measures of marker heterozygosity (Bonnierbale et al., 1993; Diers et al.,
1996). These results suggest that genetic distance estimates alone do not
consistently identify high yielding hybrid combinations. This is reasonable
since total genome heterozygosity is less important in its influence on heterosis,
per se, than heterozygosity at specific loci controlling traits of
The results of our study
indicate that commercially acceptable yields were obtained from some hybrids of
unimproved parents, where at least one parent was adapted to the study
environment. Selection of parents based on GCA effects was very effective in
identifying parents of the highest yielding hybrids. Unimproved parents
possessing good general performance (e.g., GCA effects), therefore, could
potentially be used to immediately widen cultivated alfalfa's gene base without
sacrificing forage yield. The significance of SCA effects indicated that
additional opportunities exist to capitalize on heterosis using specific
crosses. Analysis of AFLP profiles based on bulked DNAs from genotypes within
each germplasm was a useful approach to determine genetic relationships between
populations. Genetic distance based on AFLP markers was not a useful predictor
of hybrid performance, however, because associations between hybrid yield and
GD were apparently influenced by allele frequencies of the populations under
evaluation. Additive genetic effects were more strongly correlated with yield
than were measures of marker heterozygosity suggesting that field evaluation of
hybrid performance is needed to identify high yielding alfalfa hybrid
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Table 1. Accessions used to
represent the nine basic alfalfa germplasms.
Germplasm Source |
Representative Accessions (Era) |
Origin of Seed Source |
African |
Moapa (pre 1956) Higazzi (pre 1956) |
L. Teuber/C. Stanford, Univ. CA-Davis L. Teuber/C. Stanford, Univ. CA-Davis |
Chilean |
Arizona Chilean (1957) Chilean 21-5 (1950) |
B. Melton, New Mexico State
Univ. B. Melton, New Mexico State Univ. |
Flemish |
DuPuits (1960) Alfa (1960) |
National Plant Germplasm System, Pullman, WA |
Indian |
FC23631 (pre 1960) FC32174 (pre 1960) |
L. Teuber/C. Stanford, Univ. CA-Davis L. Teuber/C. Stanford, Univ. CA-Davis |
Ladak |
Ladak 1 (pre 1950) Ladak 2 (pre 1950) |
E.T. Bingham, Univ. WI-Madison E.T. Bingham, Univ. WI-Madison |
M. falcata |
4x Wisfall (1993) |
E.T. Bingham, Univ. WI-Madison |
M. varia |
Grimm (1960) Cossack (1951) |
L. Teuber/C. Stanford, Univ.
CA-Davis E.T. Bingham, Univ. WI-Madison |
Peruvian |
Hairy Peruvian (1959) Coastal Hairy Peruvian (1959) |
B. Melton, New Mexico State
Univ. B. Melton, New Mexico State Univ. |
Turkistan |
Turkistan-Samarkand. (pre
1950) Turkistan-Tokmak (pre 1950) |
E.T. Bingham, Univ. WI-Madison E.T. Bingham, Univ. WI-Madison |
Table 2. Mean squares for
dry-matter yield (kg plot-1) from alfalfa diallel hybrids
and their parents over 2 yr and
one location using Analysis II of Gardner and Eberhart.
Source |
df |
Mean square |
Years |
1 |
0.934** |
Entries (E) |
44 |
3.109** |
(P) |
8 |
13.889** |
(C) |
36 |
0.714** |
Heterosis (H) |
1 |
5.957** |
Heterosis (PH) |
8 |
1.512** |
Heterosis (SH) |
27 |
0.390** |
E x Y |
44 |
1.072** |
P x
Y |
8 |
0.368** |
C x
Y |
36 |
0.129** |
H x
Y |
1 |
0.010 |
PH x
Y |
8 |
0.104* |
SH x
Y |
27 |
0.140** |
Residual |
90 |
0.045 |
CV % |
7.2 |
Table 3. Mean squares for dry
matter yield (kg plot-1) from alfalfa diallel hybrids and their
parents in each
of 2 years using Analysis III of
Gardner and Eberhart.
Source |
df |
1997 |
1998 |
Entries |
44 |
1.269** |
2.012** |
Parents |
8 |
2.703** |
3.134** |
vs. Crosses |
1 |
3.239** |
2.729** |
Crosses |
35 |
0.887** |
1.736** |
(GCA) |
8 |
3.300** |
6.377** |
(SCA) |
27 |
0.170* |
0.361** |
Residual |
90 |
0.099 |
0.146 |
GCA, SCA: General and specific
combining ability, respectively.
Table 4. Forage
yields (kg plot-1) of crosses (above diagonal) and parents (diagonal);
relative heterosis and estimates of GCA effects (both below diagonal) from a
diallel set of nine synthetics and crosses averaged over 1 location 2 years (10
Synthetic |
African |
Chilean |
Flemish |
Indian |
Ladak |
M.falc. |
M. varia |
Peruvian |
Turkistan |
Mean |
African |
1.60 |
1.51 |
1.39 |
1.50 |
1.50 |
1.33 |
1.41 |
1.97 |
1.52 |
1.50 |
Chilean |
94 |
1.60 |
1.78 |
1.61 |
1.59 |
1.36 |
1.55 |
1.95 |
1.64 |
1.62 |
Flemish |
101 |
129 |
1.14 |
1.45 |
1.01 |
0.88 |
1.30 |
1.63 |
1.43 |
1.35 |
Indian |
97 |
104 |
110 |
1.48 |
0.99 |
1.00 |
1.23 |
1.63 |
1.41 |
1.35 |
Ladak |
113 |
120 |
93 |
79 |
1.04 |
0.91 |
1.05 |
1.54 |
1.30 |
1.23 |
M. falcata |
151 |
155 |
135 |
122 |
152 |
0.16 |
0.78 |
1.16 |
1.02 |
1.05 |
M. varia |
101 |
110 |
111 |
92 |
94 |
116 |
1.19 |
1.49 |
1.28 |
1.26 |
Peruvian |
132 |
130 |
129 |
114 |
127 |
151 |
116 |
1.37 |
1.66 |
1.63 |
Turkistan |
102 |
110 |
114 |
99 |
108 |
134 |
100 |
121 |
1.36 |
1.40 |
Mean |
111 |
119 |
114 |
102 |
110 |
139 |
104 |
127 |
111 |
GCA effect |
0.13 |
0.26 |
-0.04 |
-0.04 |
-0.18 |
-0.38 |
-0.14 |
0.27 |
0.01 |
Table 5. Pairwise genetic
distances among 9 alfalfa germplasms based on 358 AFLPs.
Chilean |
Flemish |
Indian |
Ladak |
M.falc. |
M. varia |
Peruvian |
Turkistan |
African |
0.114 |
0.104 |
0.109 |
0.118 |
0.240 |
0.121 |
0.098 |
0.094 |
Chilean |
0.104 |
0.090 |
0.110 |
0.242 |
0.105 |
0.097 |
0.108 |
Flemish |
0.110 |
0.108 |
0.230 |
0.103 |
0.112 |
0.106 |
Indian |
0.115 |
0.245 |
0.093 |
0.109 |
0.107 |
Ladak |
0.226 |
0.104 |
0.122 |
0.109 |
M. falcata |
0.233 |
0.243 |
0.228 |
M. varia |
0.102 |
0.113 |
Peruvian |
0.096 |
Table 6. Influence of
"average favorable allele frequency" (AFAF) on correlations between
hybrid forage yield and genetic distance.
Population |
Mean Yield of Crosses |
r |
Peruvian |
1.63 |
-0.58 |
+ |
Chilean |
1.62 |
-0.47 |
+ |
African |
1.50 |
-0.48 |
+ |
Turkistan |
1.40 |
-0.66 |
+ |
Indian |
1.35 |
-0.29 |
- |
Flemish |
1.35 |
0.09 |
- |
M. varia |
1.26 |
0.20 |
- |
Ladak |
1.23 |
0.50 |
- |
M. falcata |
1.05 |
0.62 |
- |
†AFAF value assigned based on GCA effect
where GCA values greater than zero were assigned + and those less than zero
were assigned -.
Table 7. Correlations between
forage yield, general combining ability (GCA), midparent value (MPV), high (HPH)
and midparent (MPH) heterosis, and genetic distance (GD) among 36 diallel
hybrids (above diagonal) and 28 hybrids (below diagonal) of alfalfa.
Trait |
Yield |
GD |
Yield |
- |
0.91** |
0.78** |
0.85** |
0.03 |
-0.62** |
0.87** |
- |
0.93** |
0.74** |
-0.30 |
-0.77** |
0.63** |
0.85** |
- |
0.60** |
-0.58** |
-0.89** |
0.79** |
0.57** |
0.16 |
- |
0.10 |
-0.63** |
0.81** |
0.49** |
0.07 |
0.91** |
- |
0.67** |
GD |
-0.26 |
-0.27 |
-0.27 |
-0.26 |
-0.10 |
- |
Figure 1. Phenogram of nine
alfalfa germplasms based on UPGMA cluster analysis of 358 polymorphic