
Officers. The officers of the NAAIC shall be selected from the membership at large, by election at a biennial business meeting, serve from the close of one business meeting to the close of the next business meeting and consist of:
  1. The President who is responsible for conducting all business meetings, appointing all necessary committees and representatives, and serving as chairperson of the biennial Conference and Executive Committee.
  2. The Vice-President who shall preside in the absence of the President and be responsible for planning and executing the technical program of the biennial Conference in cooperation with the local host and arrangement committee.
  3. The Secretary who is responsible for minutes of biennial Conference and Executive Committee Meetings, collecting abstracts and reports, and assembling and editing the Conference Proceedings. Nominees for secretary shall be alternated between public and private institutions. The secretary shall be elected by majority vote of the Conference and shall serve for consecutive terms as, Secretary, Vice-President and President.
  4. The Executive Secretary who is responsible for general correspondence, maintaining archives, web site, and the membership list, duplicating and distributing Conference Proceedings and serving as contact person for matters concerning the NAAIC. The Executive Secretary shall serve an indefinite term, be nominated by the Executive Committee, and be approved by majority vote of the Conference.
  5. The immediate Past President will serve as chairperson of the Nominating Committee.
  6. The Treasurer who is responsible for maintaining financial accounts and records, and paying bills. The Treasurer shall serve an indefinite term, be nominated by the Executive Committee, and be approved by majority vote of the Conference.

Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Secretary, Past President, Chairperson of the Industry Committee, Chairperson of the Local Arrangements Committee, Chairperson of the Central Alfalfa Improvement Conference, President of the Western Alfalfa Improvement Conference, and Chairperson of the Eastern Forage Improvement Conference. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the Executive Committee members.

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