40th NAAIC
Executive Committee |
1. Call to Order (Craig Sheaffer) In attendance: Craig Sheaffer Pres., Jon Reich VP, Dan Undersander Locations chair, Gary Bauchan Exec. Sec., Eastern rep, Lauren Johnson Western, Don Miller Industry Liaison, John Caddel Treas., Jessica Tofte Central, Sam Stratton past pres., JoAnn Lamb Sec., Dave Miller, nominated for next secretary. 2. Approval of Minutes (Craig Sheaffer) Approved as published in the 39th NAAIC proceedings. 3. Approval of Agenda (Craig Sheaffer) 4. Report from the Local Arrangement Committee (Craig Sheaffer). • Attendance numbers 94
5. Report from the Treasurer John Caddel) •
Balance as of 7/19/2006 = $12,881.42 (including a balance in the
sustaining membership fund of $2100) Discussion- on how to handle some of the funds to earn more interest- in a Smith Barney account in Pennsylvania - Recommendation: Hill Fund - invest in money market fund - Dave Miller will call Smith Barney and get information as to what to do. It was proposed to put in Money market fund account if it is appropriate - and John Caddel will move the monies into two year rotations. John Caddel stated he wished to resign as Treasurer. Sam Stratton was given responsibility as chair of the nomination committee Discussion: Should we have more than one signatory on the account. This discussion was tabled until new Treasurer is selected. 6. Executive Secretary (Gary Bauchan) • Membership Joint NAAIC & Trifolium: 760 Total members, 455 U.S., 63 Canada, and 242 Non-North American. • Memorials - None 7. Finance Committee Report (Dave Miller) • There are 9 Sustaining members of the NAAIC. There were 4 graduate student travel grants awarded at $300 each. 8. Web Page (John Caddel) • Web page • Comments on how the web page is designed, posting of the abstracts, etc. 9. Honors and Awards Committee (Jessica Tofte) • Honorary Member - Real Michaud and Bill Knipe • R.R. Hill Award - Steve Temple ($500 stipend and $ for cost of plaque from Memorial fund) 10. Report from Nominations Committee (Sam Stratton) • President - President: Jonathan Reich, Cal/West; VP & Program Chair: JoAnn Lamb, USDA-ARS, St. Paul, MN.; Secretary: Dave Miller: Pioneer Hi-Bred, Wisconsin. 11. Report from Location Committee (Dan Undersander) • 2008 France • 2010 ??? Dan Undersander - in 2008 in France get details - Marvin Hall Penn State offered for 2010 - Questionable - nothing definite, could be Noble Foundation, could be Boise - Nappa, Idaho? For 2010 - Noble/Fort Worth- or Boise area. Now questioning whether - France was agreed to for 2008. Decision - NAAIC will NOT meet with Eucarpia- Gary Bauchan will contact that we decline to have a joint meeting. Noble or Penn State - if not then Beltsville volunteered in 2008 Dan will talk to people - and will discuss and make decisions - at business meeting 12. Review agenda for NAAIC Business Meeting (Craig Sheaffer)
13. Review agenda for Awards Banquet (Craig Sheaffer & Dave Miller)
14. New Items - need new treasurer - need new finance chair. 15. Adjourn