Registrants of the 1995 Central Alfalfa Imptovement Conference

Spearfish, South Dakota
June 19 - 20, 1995

 Dr. Bruce Anderson  Mr. Fred Autio
    Univ. of Nebraska
    Dept. of Agronomy
    Lincoln, NE 68583-0910
    (402) 472-6237
 Dr. Edwin T. Bingham  Dr. Arvid Boe
    Univ. of Wisconsin     South Dakota State Univ.
    1575 Linden Dr. UW     244A NPB
    Madison, WI 53706     Brookings, SD 57007
    (608) 262-9579     (605) 688-4759
 Ms. Robin Bortnem  Dr. Jessica Brummer
    South Dakota State Univ.     ABI Alfalfa
    244A NPB     2316 259th St.
    Brookings, SD 57007     Ames, IA 50014
    (605) 688-4501     (515) 292-2432
 Dr. Thad Busbice  Dr. David Bryant, Dean ABS
    Great Plains Research     135 Agricultural Hall
    3624 Kildaire Farm Road     South Dakota State Univ.
    Apex, NC 27502     Brookings, SD 57007
    (919) 362-1583     (605) 688-4148
 Dr. Jack Carlson  Dr. John Caddel
    Cargill Inc.     Oklahoma State Univ.
    P.O. Box 5645     368 Agric. Hall, Agronomy Dept.
    Minneapolis, MN 55440     Stillwater, OK 74078-0507
    (612) 742-6743     (405) 744-9643
    FAX 612-742-7235  
 Mr. John Edmunds  Mr. Nick Degenhart
    Pioneer Hi-Bred Intl.     Cal/West Seeds
    West 8131 State Hwy 60     Rt. 1, Box 70
    Arlington, WI 53911     West Salem, WI 54669
    (608) 635-7396     (608) 786-1554
 Mr. Gary Hoard  Mr. David Gilkerson
    Pioneer Hi-Bred Intl.     RR 2, Box 400
    P.O. Box 287     
    Johnston, IA 50131-0287     Brookings, SD 57006
    (515) 270-3342     (605) 693-3378
 Dr. Kevin D. Kephart  Dr. Clive Holland
    South Dakota State Univ.     Pioneer Hi-Bred Int'l
    247D NPB     4445 Corporate Drive
    Brookings, SD 57007     West Des Moines, IA 50266
    (605) 688-4751     (515) 224-6935
 Dr. Mark McCaslin  Dr. JoAnn Lamb
    Forage Genetics, Inc.     411 Borlaug Hall
    N5292 Gills Coulee Rd     1991 Buford Cir.
    West Salem, WI 54669     St. Paul, MN 55108
    (608) 786-2121     (612) 625-0260
 Dr. Ray Moore  Dr. Dwain W. Meyer
    247 NPB     North Dakota State Univ.
    South Dakota State Univ.     Plant Sciences Dept.
    Brookings, SD 57007     Fargo, ND 58105-5051
    (701) 231-8154
 Dr. Forrest W. Nutter, Jr.  Dr. Jim B. Moutray
    Iowa State Univ.     ABI Alfalfa
    351 Bessey Hall     2316 259th St.
    Ames, IA 50011     Ames, IA 50014
    (515) 294-8737     (515) 292-2432
 Dr. Mike Peterson  Dr. Sharie Nygaard
    W-L Research, Inc.     W-L Research
    8701 W. US Hwy 14     8701 W. US Hwy 14
    Evansville, WI 53536-8752     Evansville, WI 53536
    (608) 882-4100     (608) 882-4100
    FAX (608) 882-5800
 Dr. Bill Rooney  Dr. Lanny Rhodes
    Throckmorton Plant Sci. Center     Ohio State Univ.
    Kansas State Univ.     2021 Coffey, Dept. of Plant Pathology
    Manhattan, KS 66506     Columbus, OH 43210
    (913) 532-7221     (614) 292-1375
 Dr. Melvin Rumbaugh  Mr. Kraig Roozeboom
    Rt. 3, Box 125     Kansas State Univ.
     Humboldt, NE 68376     Throckmorton Hall
    (402) 862-3118     Manhattan, KS 66506
        (913) 532-7251
 Dr. Craig Sheaffer  Ms. Susan Selman
    Univ. of Minn.     South Dakota State Univ.
    411 Borlaug Hall     247 NPB
    St. Paul, MN 55108     Brookings, SD 57007
    (612) 625-7224     (605) 688-4501
 Dr. S. Ray Smith  Dr. D.Z. Skinner
    Univ. of Manitoba     USDA-ARS Kansas State Univ.
    Dept. of Plant Science     Throckmorton Hall, KSU
    Winnipeg, MN R3T 2N2 CANADA     Manhattan, KS 66506-5501
    (204) 474-6504     (913) 532-7247
 Mr. Bernie Thyen  Mr. Sam Stratton
    South Dakota State Univ.     FFR Cooperative
    Plant Science     4112 E. State Rd. 225
    Brookings, SD 57007     West Lafayette, IN 47906
         (317) 567-2115
 Mr. Mike Velde  Dr. Dan Undersander
    Dairyland Research Intl.     Dept. of Agronomy
    9728 Clinton Corners Rd.     Univ. of Wisconsin
    Clinton, WI 53525     Madison, WI 53706
    (608) 676-2237     (608) 263-5070
 Dr. Tim Woodward  Dr. Jeff J Volenec
    Pioneer Hi-Bred Intl.     Purdue Univ.
    P.O. Box 287     Dept. of Agronomy
    Johnston, IA 50131-0287     West Lafayette, IN 47907-1150
    (515) 270-3340     (317) 494-8077
 Mr. Charles Yaeger  Dr. Robert R. Kalton
    6409 Cooper Crt.     Iowa State Univ.
    Dekalb Genetics     1202 Agronomy Hall
    Middleton, WI 53562     Ames, IA 50011
    (608) 836-1966     (515) 294-3861

1995 Central Alfalfa Improvement Conference Proceedings