U.S. Department of Agriculture January 3, 1972

Plant Science Research Division, ARS

Beltsville, Maryland 20705



December 14, 1971

Members of the Review Board met December 14, 1971. They were of the opinion that the varieties listed below are distinctive and merit certification.


Variety Designation

Name During Testing Breeder Applicant

Anchor RP 38 R.R. Kalton The Rudy-Patrick Company

Don Brown RFD #2, Brookston, Indiana

Marvin Miller 47923

Apalachee N1 Syn 2 and Clarence H. Hanson North Carolina Agricultural

NCN1b1 John W. Dudley Experiment Station, and Robert T. Sherwood Plant Science Research Thaddeus H. Busbice Division, ARS, USDA, Raleigh, N.C. 27607

Bonus Syn. 66-7 I.J. Johnson Cal/West Seeds

P.O. Box 1428, Woodland

California 95695

UC Salton UC 52 W.F. Lehman The University of E.H. Stanford California, 1004 East D.C. Erwin Holton Road, El Centro,

California 92243

WL 216 Exp. 216 D.F. Beard Waterman-Loomis Company

I.I. Kawaguchi 10916 Bornedale Drive

D.N. Clary Adelphi, Maryland 20783

WL 307 67 Cage B D.F. Beard Waterman-Loomis Company

I.I. Kawaguchi 10916 Bornedale Drive

D.N. Clary Adelphi, Maryland 20783

WL 308 303A D.F. Beard Waterman-Loomis Comapny

I.I. Kawaguchi 10916 Bornedale Drive

D.N. Clary Adelphi, Maryland 20783

Information pertinent to certifying agencies which was requested on the application for each variety and the information submitted by the applicants are given below. The respective applicants should be contacted if additional information is desired.

Some of the Information Requested from Applicant:

1. A statement of the origin and the breeding procedures used in developing the variety.

2. Area of probable adaptation and primary purpose (hay, grazing, etc.) for which this variety will be used. Report States and areas within States where the variety has been tested, and proposed areas of recommendation and merchandising.

3. Information of value to field inspectors (such as uniformity, leaf, flower characteristics, etc.), physiological characteristics, obvious disease and insect reactions, and other identifying characteristics.

4. Procedure for maintaining stock seed, seed classes to be used, a statement as to the limitations of generations that may be certified, and any other requirements or limitations necessary to maintain varietal characteristics.

5. If this variety is accepted by official certifying agencies, when will certified seed first be offered for sale?

Information Submitted by Applicant on the Above Points:


1. Nine-clone synthetic of Flemish-type, with one clone each selected from Saranac, Apex, and Alfa, and three tracing each to Alfa and DuPuits through two cycles of recurrent selection for bacterial wilt, pea aphid resistance and other desirable agronomic characters. Parent clones were selected after rigorous clonal, polycross and S1 testing for bacterial wilt and pea aphid resistance in nurseries at Ames, Iowa, which started in the early 1960s. Evaluation of parental selections for seedling vigor, hardiness, tall-growth vigor and combining ability was also conducted in clonal, S1, polycross, and singlecross tests at Ames, Iowa; Caldwell, Idaho; Hamel, Minnesota; and Princeton, Illinois.

2. A hay and greenchop variety where Flemish varieties have performed well. Because of its good winter hardiness and excellent bacterial wilt resistance, it is expected that Anchor can be used for longer rotation stands than Flemish varieties currently available.

3. Mostly light to dark purple flowers with very few variegated flowers. Greater fall growth than Vernal and Rangcr but less than DuPuits. Erect, with better spring vigor than Apex, Saranac and Vernal. Recovery after cutting is equal to or faster than the Flemish varieties Apex and Saranac.

4. Breeder seed produced in 1969 in an isolated block in Idaho by transplanting approximately 900 cuttings of each of the nine parent clones in a randomized arrangement. Stability of the cultivar will be assured since all commercial seed will trace to this original breeder seed which is held in storage by The Rudy-Patrick Company. Foundation seed will be produced only from breeder seed, while certified seed will be produced from either breeder or foundation seed. Seed produced from certified seed will not be recognized as Anchor.

5. Spring 1972.


1. Germplasm traces to DuPuits, Flamande, and Lahontan. Clone C-900 (a parent clone of Lahontan) was crossed with 40 plants of DuPuits and Flamande selected for low stem nematode damage in a broadcast variety test on a naturally infested field of the Mountain Research Station, Waynesville, N. C. The 40 selected plants were used as the recurrent parents for the first backcross. Intercross progeny of the 40 plants were the recurrent parents for the second backcross. Field and laboratory selection was practiced for resistance to stem nematode and foliar diseases and for agronomic characteristics.

2. Piedmont and mountain valleys of the southern Appalachian Mountains. Winter hardiness is similar to other Flemish varieties such as DuPuits. The variety has been tested in the southeastern States Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Arkansas, and in Washington and Oregon. Well adapted in North Carolina and reasonably well adapted in other States in which it was tested with the exception of Florida. The main use of Apalachee is hay, haylage, and dehydration products.

3. Blue to purple flowers. Similar to DuPuits in uniformity, fall dormancy, and growth habit. Susceptible to bacterial wilt and the alfalfa weevil. Tolerant to common leafspot similar to DuPuits. More susceptible to frost damage than Cherokee and similar to DuPuits.

4. There will be three classes of seed: Breeder, foundation, and

certified. A reserve of breeder seed to meet future needs has been

placed in cold storage at subfreezing temperatures by the North

Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station. There will be one

generation each of foundation and certified seed classes.

Foundation seed will be grown in Washington, Oregon and/or Idaho.

Certified seed may be produced in any region except where

winterkilling may occur.

5. Spring 1973.


1. The eight parental clones were of Vernal origin and chosen (in

addition to desirable forage and disease reaction characteristics)

primarily for a lesser response to short daylength. These clones

were among approximately 300 evaluated in the Midwest nursery for

forage and disease characters and in the Woodland nursery for seed

yields and other characters. They have persisted in the holding

nursery since 1964. On the basis of data since 1961 at Woodland, a

recombination of these eight clones was made in a cage isolation in

1966 and seed used to establish Cal/West forage trials at Atlanta,

Illinois; Waterloo, Iowa ; and Sycamore, Illinois, in 1967.

2. For hay or haylage in Corn Belt States south of line from St.

Paul and Madison. Tested in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois and Indiana.

Tests in progress in Wisconsin, Michigan, Nebraska, and Ontario,


3. Predominantly purple flowers, non-variegated. Stems uniformly

lack or purple pigmentation. In California, fall growth after seed

harvest markedly greater than 123, Vernal and Ranger. Upright

growth. Susceptible to known races of spotted alfalfa aphid and to

pea aphids.

4. Breeder seed is produced by recombination of the eight

parental clones, maintained vegetatively under cage or in field

isolations. Foundation seed is produced by increase from breeder

seed in northern California. Foundation seed fields can qualify for

only two seed crops. Certified seed is produced from planting

foundation seed or from breeder seed after second seed crop.

5. Spring 1972.

UC Salton

1. UC Salton is the fifth generation of a broad-based germplasm pool

grown under conditions of severe natural selection for resistance to

root rots and the spotted alfalfa aphid. Germplasm from many

sources, including adapted and unadapted varieties, and material

from the breeding program were combined into the germplasm pool. New

sources of seed were added each year, but this was usually less than

one-fourth of the total amount of seed. Seed was also added from

previous generations of the germplasm pool which had further natural

selection and planned selection against insects, diseases, and poor

general appearance. Survival of respective sources is unknown. Seed

was planted in solid stands in the Imperial Valley of California on

a heavy soil which was naturally infested with crown and root rots

and had slow water penetration. Hay was cut from seed plots on

schedule until about May of each year. After this, one or two crops

of seed were produced. The last three generations were grown on

areas 1.7 acres in size and handled with regular farm equipment.

Each generation was tested for yield potential. Essentially no

insecticides were applied for insect control during the five

generations of selection.

2. The low desert valley areas of southern California where the

summer disease complex is a very important factor in stand

reduction. UC Salton has been tested in the Imperial Valley of

California, the Central Valley of California, and the Moapa Valley

of Nevada. It will be used for hay, pasture, greenchop, and


3. Purple flowers. Not uniform due to a broad genetic base.

Nondormant, slightly less growth than Mesa--Sirsa during January and

February but more growth during July, August, and September. Upright

growth. Tolerance to the summer disease complex of the low desert

valleys of California and to Phytophthora root rot. Resistance to

biotype ENT-F of the spotted alfalfa aphid. Tolerance to the pea


4. Breeder seed was harvested from the 1966 general germplasm pool

in the summer of 1968. Seed classes will be breeder, foundation, and

certified. Breeder seed will be used to produce foundation seed and

foundation seed for the production of certified seed. Breeder seed

will be maintained by the University of California, Department of

Agronomy and Range Science, Davis, California. If the supply of

breeder seed should be depleted, a lot of foundation seed

originating from breeder seed shall be set aside and used to produce

the subsequent foundation seed. The number of years a field may

remain in production of a seed class is to be determined by the

certifying agencies within that State.

5. Fall of 1973.

WL 216

1. A 3-clone synthetic derived from 4th and 5th cycle progenies of

spotted alfalfa aphid survivors intercrossed after each cycle of

screening. The original parentage traced to over 16,000 seedling

plants of Vernal, Culver, Minnesota 59--126-2, Nebraska 67-2813, and

four falcata crosses between P.I. 231,731 and purple-flowered

selections from Vernal. The falcata crosses were made among

moderately resistant and/or tolerant plants to the spotted alfalfa

aphid in 1960-61. The best four F1 plants in aphid reaction were

inter crossed and exposed to heavy spotted alfalfa aphid

populations four times. Simultaneously, selections and intercrossed

progenies from the other parentage were similarly screened four to

five times prior to 1967, when a number of test synthetics were made

for forage testing. These were Ca 801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 806, 851,

852 and 853. Cages 803, 806 and 851 were 7-, 6- and 18-clone

synthetics that combined good winter survival with high forage

yield. The 30 clones (Cage 803 and 806 had one clone in common)

comprise the parentage of WL 216.

2. Tested in Iowa, northern Illinois and northwestern Ohio. lt is

now planted in tests in adjacent States and Canada. It has been

tested primarily for hay although the wide crowns may make it useful

for pasture. It will be merchandised primarily in the northern

region of adaptation as a hay variety.

3. Highly variegated flowers, approximately 15% purple and blue, 80%

variegated and 5% yellow, cream and white. Uniformity similar to WL

210 and Vernal. Less dormant than Dawson and Vernal - similar to WL

210. Semi-upright growth. A highly variegated variety with spotted

alfalfa aphid resistance.

4. Breeder seed is produced in isolation by natural cross

pollination of the 30 parent clones. Foundation seed is the product

from fields planted with breeder seed in the northern region of

alfalfa adaptation. Certified seed may be grown only in fields

planted with breeder or foundation seed. No other class or

generation of seed is to be used.

5. 1972.

WL 307

1. Continuing the clonal evaluation started in 1960 from which the

selections were made to develop WL 215, two additional years of

evaluation and selection were followed in the development of WL 307.

Thirteen of the clones used in WL 215 were combined with five

additional selections from second and third cycle polycrosses of

weevil tolerant plants tracing to Atlantic, Ranger and Vernal. The

18 selected clones were interpollinated under cage in 1967 with

honeybees used as pollinators. Initial forage testing under the

designation 67 Cage B began in 1968 test plantings.

2. WL 307 has been tested in northwestern Ohio, northern Illinois,

Missouri and southern Minnesota. Additional test plantings were

made in 1971 in Wisconsin and Iowa. It will be merchandised

primarily as a hay variety from northern Missouri to southern

Minnesota and east through Ohio.

3. Predominantly purple flowered with 20 to 25% blue or bluish-

purple and variegated flowers. Uniformity of plants similar to that

of WL 215. Though precise data are lacking, it has appeared to be

somewhat more uniform in plant type and growth habit than Vernal.

Somewhat less fall dormant than WL 215 and Vernal. Upright growth. A

high percentage of plants in WL 307 have a strong tendency towards

axillary branching.

4. Three classes of certified seed will be recognized- breeder,

foundation and certified. Breeder seed is the first generation

produced by intercrossing the parent clones under cage or in

isolation. Foundation seed is that produced in fields planted with

breeder seed between the 37 and 44 parallels. Certified seed is

produced in fields planted with either breeder or foundation seed.

5. 1972.

WL 308

1. Parentage is comprised of 261 plant selections made in 1967 from

a wilt inoculated population of approximately 1200 plants of WL 303,

and 74 plants from 7 progeny tested experimental synthetics of

similar type and growth habit. These were tested under the

designations Cage 709, 713, 716, 720, 725, 727 and 746. The 335

selected plants were increased in 1968 and produced the initial and

recurring source of breeder seed.

2. Has been in test plantings in Iowa, Nebraska and Illinois since

1969. It is now in tests in western Kansas, northern Missouri,

Wisconsin, northwestern Ohio, Maryland and Guelph, Canada. On the

basis of tests to date, it appears to be best adapted to the central

alfalfa region of adaptation and the southern portion of the

northern region. It will be merchandised as a hay variety in these


3. Has approximately 50% purple and bluish-purple flowers, 48%

variegated and 2% yellow, cream and white. Similar in flower color

to WL 303 but has slightly more variegated and yellow flowers. No

difference in plant uniformity has been observed between WL 303 and

308. Fall dormancy of WL 303 and 308 is similar. Upright growth.

4. Three classes of certified seed will be recognized - breeder,

foundation and certified. Breeder seed is produced by natural cross-

pollination of the 335 parent plants. Foundation seed is produced

only from breeder seed planted in fields between the 37 and 44

parallels. Certified seed may be grown only from plantings made with

breeder or foundation seed.

5. 1972.

C.H. Hanson, Chairman

National Certified Alfalfa

Variety Review Board

Members of the Board

Frank G. Parsons

E.H. Beyer

Eldon Olson

E.H. Stanford

C.H. Hanson (nonvoting)

Alternates of the Board

H.E. Gallaway

Allenby White

W.R. Kehr

R.J. Buker

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