NAAIC Industry Liaison Committee Report

August 2 - 6, 1998 at Bozeman, MT

At the 35th NAAIC Meeting in Oklahoma City, June 16-20, 1996 there were two actions taken by the committee:

First, The Industry Liaison Committee was to be expanded to include a voting member from each company conducting alfalfa breeding research and releasing alfalfa varieties.

February 1997 letters were sent to 11 firms listing companies known to have varietal development programs & soliciting feedback as to whether any companies were left off the mailing list. Three companies responded that the list appeared complete. That taken together with the lack of response from the other 8 companies suggested that the list was complete. Each company has subsequently been given the opportunity to name a voting committee member and an alternate and the committee membership list has been forwarded to the executive secretary.

This winter a proposal was submitted to the Industry Liaison Committee that the committee chairmanship should be systematically rotated among member companies every two years to ensure that all firms have an opportunity to serve in this capacity. This proposal was discussed at the Committee Meeting August 3, 1998 and approved by the Industry Liaison Committee. Sam Stratton of FFR Cooperative was elected to serve as the Inustry Liaison Committee Chairman for the two year period 1998 - 2000.

Second, The NAAIC Industry Liaison Committee would have the responsibility for recommending to the Alfalfa Committee of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) an individual to serve as the ASTA research representative to the National Alfalfa Variety Review Board (NAVRB).

This winter a proposal was submitted to the Industry Liaison Committee that the committee systematically recommend the outgoing chairperson to the ASTA Alfalfa committee to serve as research representative to the NAVRB. This proposal was discussed at the Committee Meeting August 3, 1998 and approved by the Industry Liaison Committee.

Beginning with the January 1999 meeting Jon Reich of Cal/West Seeds will serve on the NAVRB board for four years; two years as a non-voting alternate, followed by two years as the voting member. Sam Stratton, his successor to the Industry Liaison Committee Chair will serve NAAIC from 1998 - 2000. Beginning with the January 2001 meeting, Sam will serve on the NAVRB for four years. Two years as a non-voting alternate followed by two years as the voting member.

Other activity of the Industry Liaison Committee (1996 - 1998):

Responsibility to secure funds for publication of the CAIC Variety Test Publication compiled each year by John Caddel.

March 1997

Letters were mailed to 53 companies that market alfalfa seed and which ask to receive the report each year. Contributions were received from 17 companies totaling $2,550 which barely covered the cost for duplication, collating, and mailing.

March 1998

Letters were mailed to 66 companies. Contributions were received from 17 companies totaling $3,550, an amount that more than paid for immediate costs associated with publication and helped make up for past shortfalls.

This concludes the report of the Industry Liaison Committee for activities between 1996 and 1998.

Submitted by Jonathan Reich, Chair Industry Liaison Committee 1996 - 1998.

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