1. York is a 150 plant synthetic cultivar. It was developed by mass selecting for resistance to anthracnose. Germplasm traces to Advantage (2), Anchor (3), Answer (6), Armor (15), Atlas (15), G2815 (26), Gladiator (3), Mercury (15), Pacer (5), Phytor (2), Team (16), Thor (2), Valor (17), Vancor (8), and Vangard (15). Germplasm sources are as follows: 5% M. falcata, 7% Ladak, 27% M. varia, 11% Turkistan, 21% Flemish, 23% Chilean, <1% Peruvian, 1% Indian, and 4% unknown.
2. York's proposed areas of adaptation are the central eastern states of Illinois, Ohio, and Pennsylvania and the inter-mountain western states of Oregon, Idaho, and Nevada. General use will be hay, greenchop, and dehydrated alfalfa. York has been tested in California, Idaho, Michigan, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania.
3. Flower color is approximately 98% purple, 2% variegated, and a trace of white. York is moderately dormant, with fall dormancy similar to Saranac.
4. York has high resistance to anthracnose; resistance to bacterial wilt, Phytophthora root rot, Fusarium wilt, and stem nematode. It has moderate resistance to pea aphid and low resistance to Verticillium wilt and spotted alfalfa aphid. York is susceptible to blue alfalfa aphid.
5. Sufficient breeder seed (Syn 1) was produced in 1983 in an isolation cage near Woodland, California, to last the life of the variety. It is maintained by Plant Genetics, Inc., in environmentally controlled storage. Foundation seed (Syn 2 or 3) may only be produced from breeder or Syn 2 foundation seed at the breeder's option. Certified seed (Syn 2,3,or 4) may be produced from either breeder or foundation seed. Stand duration will be 1, 3, and 4 years for breeder, foundation, and certified seed fields, respectively.
6. Certified seed will be available in 1988.
7. Applications for PVP will be made. The certification option will not be requested.
8. Information may be given to the PVP office.