
1.   Wrangler was developed by conducting two cycles of recurrent selection of Phytophthora root rot resistance at St. Paul, MN in the population N.S. 79. Approximately 100 plants were recombined at Lincoln, NE after each cycle of selection. The N.S. 79 population resulted from combining 112 plants selected for pest resistance and vigor in winterhardy germplasm from the Nebraska USDA and AES breeding program. The estimated genetic constitution of Wrangler is: 5% M. Falcata, 5% Ladak, 20% M. Varia, 65% Turkistan, and 5% Chilean.

2.  The area of adaptation is the North Central states. The usage will be for short and long-term hay production and in rotationally grazed pastures. Forage yields were obtained in 8 North Central states, Colorado and Wyoming.

3.   Wrangler is a winterhardy variety comparable to Vernal in fall dormancy. Flower colors are about 45% purple and 55% variegated.

4.   Wrangler has high resistance to Phytophthora root rot, pea aphid, and spotted alfalfa aphid; resistance to bacterial wilt and Fusarium wilt; and low resistance to Verticillium wilt. Reaction to anthracnose and stem nematode are unknown.

5.   Seed increase is limited to one generation each of breeder, foundation, and certified seed. Certified seed (Syn-3 or -4) may be grown only from breeder (Syn-2) or foundation (Syn-3) seed. The length of stand in years is breeder 2; foundation 3 (with a 4th year optional depending on breeder approval); and certified 6. Enough breeder seed for the anticipated life of the variety is in cold storage at the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station. Syn-1 seed is also in cold storage.

6.   Certified seed will first be offered for sale after the 1984 seed harvest.

7.   Application has been made for Plant Variety Protection.


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