
1.   Parentage is largely from Nemastan. A large number of pea aphid resistant selections were evaluated by polycross performance for forage yield, insect resistance, wilt resistance and nematode resistance. From this group, 8 clones were selected.

2.  Syn T is intended for forage production in those areas of Arizona, California, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, Utah and Washington where Lahontan is presently adapted. It should extend into lower elevations north of the Lahontan area of adaptation where winters are not too severe and where leaf and stem diseases are not a problem.

3.  Predominately purple flower. Similar to Lahontan in uniformity. Similar to Lahontan in fall dormancy but is slightly slower in recovery after cutting and slightly slower in spring growth. Upright growth habit. Has resistance to pea aphid.

4.  Breeder seed is a composite of equal amounts of seed from each of the 8 parent clones which are intercrossed under isolation. Seed classes will include breeder, foundation and certified with breeder seed used to establish fields for foundation seed production and foundation seed used to establish fields for certified seed production. Foundation seed may be produced in California, Nevada, and Utah south to the 37E parallel, in Arizona, California and Nevada above 2500' elevation south of 37E parallel, and in areas of Idaho, Oregon and Washington below 4000' elevation. Breeder seed will be maintained by the Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station.

5.  Fall, 1966.

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