WL 600


1.   In 1968, 18 superior clones demonstrating excellent vigor, type and resistance to pea and spotted alfalfa aphid and leaf disease were selected from the phenotype recurrent selection program which was used to develop WL504 and WL508. Beginning in 1965 a nondormant selection from WL209 (a dormant variety was outcrossed for two generations) each generation with selected different and unrelated nondormant clones. Following severe pea aphid and spotted alfalfa aphid screening and selection for downy mildew resistance, 14 clones were selected to be cross pollinated with the aforementioned 19 clones under isolation to produce Breeder seed.

2.   WL600 is adapted to the Southwestern United States where most nondormant alfalfas can be grown, Intended usage is for hay, silage and dehydration. It has been tested in California and Arizona.

3.   Flower color purple, moderately uniform and upright in growth habit and nondormant. Resistant to the unknown local biotype of the spotted alfalfa aphid in Kern County of California, resistant to pea aphid, moderately resistant to downy mildew and tolerant to southern anthracnose. Special marker on frequent auxiliary branching.

4.   Breeder seed is the Syn. 1 increase from 32 clones planted in isolation in Kern County, California. Foundation seed will be produced in the San Joaquin Valley of California. The variety shall be in the limited generation sequence of one generation each of Breeder, Foundation and Certified seed classes. Certified seed shall be the first generation increase from Breeder or Foundation seed.

5.   1973 or 1974.

6.   No.

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