WL 222
1. WL 222 is a 43 clone synthetic variety selected for resistance to potato leafhopper-induced foliar yellowing from within 12 experimental populations. Source material traces primarily to Vernal with significant contributions from Kanza, Titan, Atlanta, Saranac, Team, WL 219, and WL 311. Approximate germplasm source contributions were: M. falcata - 10%, Ladak - 12%, M. varia - 45%, Turkistan - 717, Flemish - 11%, and Chilean - 15%.
2. WL 222 is a fall dormant variet adapted for hay, haylage, and dehydration in western, central. and eastern Canada and the northern tier of the U.S. It has been tested in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario, Canada and in Washington and Wisconsin, U.S.A.
3. Approximately 80% of the flowers are purple, 8% variegated, 10% yellow, 2% cream and a trace of white. Mid-summer growth is erect with fall growth similar to Ranger.
4. WL 222 has resistance to bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, spotted alfalfa aphid and potato leafhopper-induced foliar yellowing; moderate resistance to anthracnose and Phytophthora root rot; and low resistance to Verticillium wilt and stem nematode. Resistance to the blue alfalfa aphid has not been determined.
5. Breeder seed (Syn. 1) was produced on 43 clones grown under cage isolation at Bakersfield, CA. Sufficient foundation (Syn. 2) seed was produced near Montrose, CO for the expected life of the variety. One generation of breeder (Syn. 1), two generations each of foundation (Syn. 2 and 3)and certified (Syn. 3 and 4) seed is recognized. A maximum of 3 harvest years are permitted for stands producing foundation seed and 5 years for certified seed fields. Foundation seed must be produced above 40 degrees north latitude or in areas where equivalent temperature extremes results from increased elevation.
6. Certified seed will be marketed in 1987.
7. No decision regarding Plant Variety Protection has been made.
8. The information in this application is made available to the PVP office.