1. Stride is a synthetic made by recombining clones initially chosen from a spaced-planted population of about 2000 plants on the basis of good seed yields, very good leafiness and color, and typical Flemish-type growth characteristics. Final selection of 16 parent clones of Stride was based on evaluation of 110 clones in replicated clonal tests at Atlanta, Illinois and Woodland, California.
2. Stride is adapted primarily for use as a hay crop in short rotation in the Central Corn Belt states, such as Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, and the Northeastern States including Southeastern Canadian Provinces. Tests are established in Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, New York and Ontario.
3. Flower color - shades of blue to purple. Slightly more uniform than Du Puits. Late fall growth (early November in California) 14-l6 inches following early October irrigation in comparison with 9-10 for Ranger. Tall, upright, bloom date 4-5 days earlier than Ranger. Susceptible to spotted aphid, bacterial wilt, phytopthera root rot, and leaf rust. Moderately resistant to other foliage diseases, including mildew. Pods normally coiled, predominantly dark grey to black.
4. Breeder seed of Stride is produced from rooted cuttings of the 16 parental clones in isolation exceeding 1320 feet. Breeder seed fields are inspected by California Crop Improvement Association. Foundation seed is produced from breeder seed in California and inspected by California Crop Improvement Association. Only the first year seed crop is used for foundation seed production to avoid population shifts and certified seed is produced from either foundation seed or from second and subsequent year stands established with breeders seed. Commercial seed produced under limited generation different than that described above will not be recognized as Stride.
5. Spring, 1966.