
1.   Spectrum is a 62 clone synthetic variety. The clones trace to 12 experimental synthetics that had exhibited superior pest resistance and yield potential in comparative tests. The 62 clones were selected for resistance to Phytophthora root rot and increased vegetatively for breeder seed production. Major germplasm sources were Vernal, Saranac and Atlantic, with minor contributions from Buffalo, Dawson, Ranger, DuPuits, Travois, Nomad, Ladak, Beltsville 3 AN4, Nebr. 67-2813 and P.I. 231, 731.

2.   Spectrum is a moderately winter hardy variety intended for use in the Pacific Northwest and the North Central Region for hay, haylage, green chop or dehydration purposes.

3.   Flower colors are approximately 85% purple and 15% variegated. Fall dormancy is slightly greater than that of Saranac AR.

4.   Spectrum has high resistance to the pea and spotted alfalfa aphids; resistance to bacterial wilt; moderate resistance to anthracnose, Fusarium wilt and Phytophthora root rot. It has not been adequately tested for stem nematode resistance.

5.   Breeder seed (Syn 1) was produced on the parent clones at Bakersfield, CA in 1975. Sufficient foundation seed was produced in Colorado for the life of the variety, with reserve seed held in controlled storage. One generation each of breeder (Syn 1), foundation (Syn 2) and certified (Syn 2 or 3) seed classes is recognized. Maximum harvest years permitted from foundation and certified seed fields are three and five years, respectively.

6.   Certified seed will be marketed in 1982.

7.   No plans have been made to apply for Plant Variety Protection.

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