
1.  "Sonora is adapted to the lower desert valley areas of Arizona, California, and Southern Nevada, where African was grown and where winter forage production is desired. It is being evaluated in the Midwest as a replacement for African for green manure."

2.  "Breeder seed is a composite of an equal amount of seed from each of the 13 parent clones intercrossed under isolation. Seed classes will include breeder, foundation, and certified. Breeder seed will be used to establish fields for the production of foundation seed. Foundation seed will be used to establish fields for the production of certified seed. The maximum eligibility of a stand to produce a given class of seed will be 4 years. The area of adaptation as related to seed production is that portion of the southern region south of latitude 37 north at elevations below 2500'"

3.  "Fall of 1963."

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