1. Scout is an 8 clone synthetic variety. The parent clones trace to Vernal, Narragansett, Ranger, Buffalo, and Cossack-Ladak, and were selected for one or more of the following: vigor, common leafspot resistance, potato leafhopper resistance, and wilt resistance. Progeny evaluations were made in polycross and diallel tests.
2. Scout will probably be used in the same area and for the same purposes as Ranger and Vernal are currently being grown. Yield plots have been grown in Indiana, Ohio, Massachusetts, and Minnesota plus observational plots in Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia and Wisconsin.
3. Predominately purple with some green, cream, yellow and white present. Non-uniform, similar to Vernal in uniformity. Similar to Vernal in dormancy. Growth habit - variable, with some erect and some prostrate plants. Slightly faster recovery after cutting than Vernal. Blooms slightly earlier than Vernal or Ranger. Scout's leaf color is darker green than Ranger.
4. Parental clones will be maintained by F.F.R. at Lafayette, Indiana. Breeder seed will be the interpollinated, bulk harvested seed from an isolated planting of the 8 parental clones. Commencing in 1966, Foundation seed will be the 1st generation seed grown from Breeders seed in the Northern Area of Adaptation. Certified seed will be produced from either Breeders or Foundation seed. The present 560 acres established in California in 1965 and the 12 acres established in Washington in 1965 were from Foundation seed (Syn 2) produced in California from Syn 1 seed (seed from interpollinating the 8 clones). In no instance will seed grown from other than Foundation or Breeders seed be considered Scout by F.F.R.
5. Spring, 1966.