
1. "Primarily adapted to the Vernal and Ranger areas. Has been tested at the Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Missouri Experimental Stations and tests established in Wisconsin (5 locations) New York and Ontario Exp. Stations together with Caladino tests in Illinois. This variety will be merchandised in Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin for use in hay production."

2.  "Parental clones comprising Progress are maintained by vegetative propagation. Breeder seed is produced in northern California in field isolation (80 plus rods) established with rooted cuttings. Isolations to be inspected by the authorized Crop Improvement Association. Only Breeder seed can be used as planting stock seed to produce commercial certified seed for Progress. As an alternative, if the occasion should arise, Breeder seed for production of commercial certified seed also may be produced from field isolations in northern California established with an equal composite of diallel crosses made by hand crossing under greenhouse conditions. The name Progress can not be used for seed produced from planting stocks other than as described above."

3.  "A growers field planted with Breeder seed was inspected for certification in 1962, with final certification action dependent upon the acceptance of Progress by the National Certified Alfalfa Variety Review Board. Limited seed supplies will be offered for sale in its area of adaptation for spring planting, 1963, to selected farmers to further evaluate its performance under actual farm usage."

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