
1.   PRO-CUT is a synthetic variety resulting from three cycles of recurrent phenotypic selection for resistance to anthracnose - Race 1 (206 plants in cycle 1), Verticillium wilt (165 plants in cycle 2) and Phytophthora root rot (l94 plants in cycle 3). Parental germplasm was from six advanced breeding lines tracing primarily from selections out of Saranac, Vernal, Atlantic, and Acclaim with minor contributions from Ranger and Team. The genetic contribution of major germplasm sources approximate 8% M. falcata, 8% Ladak, 29% M. varia, 9% Turkistan, 41% Flemish, and 5% Chilean.

2.   PRO-CUT is moderately fall-dormant, adapted for use in the northern half of the U.S. for hay, haylage and dehydration. PRO-CUT has been yield-tested in IA, MN, OR and WA and will be marketed throughout its area of adaptation.

3.   Approximately 96% of the flowers are purple, with 3% variegated, and 1% yellow. Mid-summer growth is erect. Fall growth is similar to Saranac.

4.   PRO-CUT has high resistance to bacterial wilt, Phytophthora root rot, and Fusarium wilt, resistance to anthracnose (Race 1), Verticillium wilt, pea aphid and spotted alfalfa aphid and moderate resistance to stem nematode and northern root knot nematode. Reaction to blue alfalfa aphid has not been tested adequately.

5.   Breeder seed (Syn 1) was produced on 194 plants grown under cage isolation at Warden, WA. Sufficient Foundation seed was produced near Nampa, ID for the expected life of the variety. One generation of Breeder (Syn 1), two generations each of Foundation (Syn 2 or 3) and Certified (Syn 3 or 4) seed is recognized. A maximum of 3 harvest years are permitted for stands producing Foundation seed and 5 years for Certified seed fields. Foundation seed must be produced above 40 degrees north latitude.

6.   Certified seed will be marketed in 1988.

7.   Application has been made for Plant Variety Protection without the certification option.

8.   The information in this application is made available for PVP office use.

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