
Applicant: Northrup King Co.
1500 Jackson St., N.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55413


Primal was developed from the variety Thor through two cycles of selection to pea aphid resistance. Following the second cycle of selection, Syn 1 seed was produced on 398 plants near Othello, Washington and this seed was used to establish the breeder seed field.

Primal is intended for use as hay, haylage and greenchop in the central and north-central areas of the U.S. and Canada. It has been tested in Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana and southern Canada.

Growth habit is upright with approximately 6% variegated flowers and the other 94% ranging from light to dark purple. It is similar to Saranac and Thor in fall dormancy.

Primal has resistance to the biotype of pea aphid found near Eden Prairie, MN and bacterial wilt. It is susceptible to anthracnose, Phytophthora root rot and the spotted alfalfa aphid. It has not been tested for resistance to stem nematode.

Adequate breeder seed has been produced for the life of the variety and will be maintained by Northrup King Co., Seed classes will be Breeders, Foundation and Certified. No other class of seed will be recognized.

Certified seed will be available in 1979.

Plant variety protection application is not planned.

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