
1.   Phytor was developed through 2 cycles of selection for phytophthora resistance. The 113 parental plants represented about equal contributions from the varieties Vernal, Iroquois, and Thor.

2.   The primary use of Phytor will be for hay and dehy use on Phytophthora infested fields in the Central Midwest. It has been tested in Minnesota, Iowa, Indiana, North Dakota, Nebraska, Illinois, and Wisconsin.

3.   Flower color are varying shades of purple with approximately 7% variegated and 1% yellow and white. Growth habit is upright and moderately uniform. Phytor has resistance to bacterial wilt and Phytophthora root rot. It is susceptible to anthracnose, the spotted alfalfa aphid and the pea aphid. Its reaction to stem nematode has not been determined.

4.   Sufficient breeders seed was produced in Washington to last the life of the variety. Breeders, foundation and certified classes of seed will be produced on a three generation basis.

5.   Certified seed will be available in 1978.

6.   Application for Plant Variety Protection is not likely.

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