
1.   Perry parent plants were developed from three or four cycles of selection for pest resistance and vigor in winter hardy Nebraska station germplasm and crossed with Nebraska field selections from Team, Weevlchek, and alfalfa weevil resistant plants selected in Indiana from Nebraska station germplasm.

2.  The area of adaptation is the north central states. The anticipated usage is for short- and long-term hay production and in rotationally grazed pastures. Forage yields were obtained at 14 north central locations.

3.   Perry is a winter hardy variety slightly less fall dormant than Dawson and Vernal. Flower colors are about 98% purple, 1% variegated, and l% or less cream and yellow.

4.   Perry has resistance to bacterial wilt and pea aphid; moderate resistance to downy mildew, potato leafhopper yellowing, and spotted alfalfa aphid. It has some tolerance to anthracnose and to alfalfa weevil in field tests. It is susceptible to Phytophthora root rot. Reaction to stem nematode is unknown.

5.   Seed increase is limited to three generations; breeder, foundation and certified seed classes. Breeder and foundation seed are the Syn-2 and Syn-3 generations, respectively, grown in the northern region of adaptation. Certified seed may be grown only from either breeder or foundation seed. The length of stand, including the year of establishment, shall not exceed the following: a) breeder seed, 2 years; b) foundation seed, 3 years with a 4th year option dependent on breeder approval; c) certified seed, 6 years, both inside and outside of the area of adaptation. Breeder seed will be maintained in cold storage at the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment station.

6.   Certified seed will first be offered for sale after the 1980 seed harvest.

7.   Application will be made for Plant Variety Protection under the certification provision.

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