
1.   Magnum is a 76 clone synthetic variety. Sources of these clones trace to Vernal(7), Ladak(3), Cayuga(2), Saranac(2), Iroquois(3), Cherokee(1), MSA-W4(35), P.1. 206452(19) and Teweles Multi-Strain brand alfalfa(4) (an unknown winter hardy source). Parental clones were selected based on progeny tests for one or more of the following traits: forage yield; seed yield; stand persistence; winter hardiness; bacterial wilt resistance; and anthracnose resistance.

2.   Magnum has been yield tested in Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, and Ontario, Canada. It will be marketed in the Central states, Northern states, and Canada. Primary purpose will be for hay or green chop.

3.   Flower color is approximately 80% purple; 19% variegated; 1% yellow or cream; mid-summer growth and fall growth is erect; leaf shape is oval; pods are brown and tightly coiled. Fall dormancy and persistence are similar to Saranac.

4.   Magnum is moderately winter hardy having high resistance to bacterial wilt, moderate resistance to spotted alfalfa aphids, anthracnose, and pea aphids. Magnum is susceptible to Phytophthora. Magnum has not been adequately tested for stem nematode.

5. Breeder (Syn 1) seed was produced on cuttings of the parent clones in a cage in Sloughhouse, California. Certified seed is produced from either breeder or foundation seed. One generation each of breeder, foundation, and certified seed classes is recognized. A maximum of three harvest years are permitted on stands producing foundation seed, with five harvest years maximum on stands producing certified seed. Foundation seed production is restricted to the Sloughhouse area, and the Central and Northern areas of alfalfa seed production. No restriction on area of certified seed production.

6.   Certified seed will be available in Spring 1980.

7.   Application has been made for Plant Variety Protection.

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