Key 2 Alfalfa
1. The breeding method involved recurrent phenotypic selection for less fall dormancy and greater vigor with the Key alfalfa variety.
2 Areas of adaptation for Key 2 are East Central, Southeast and moderately winterhardy Intermountain regions. The variety has been tested in California and North Carolina. The intended purposes for the variety are hay, haylage, greenchop, and dehydration.
3. The fall dormancy of Key 2 is similar to FD 5 check. F1ower color is 85% purple and 15% variegated as measured in the Syn 2.
4. Key2 has high resistance to Anthracnose (Race 1), Bacterial Wilt, Fusarium Wilt, Verticillium Wilt, Phytophthora Root Rot, Pea Aphid, and Spotted Alfalfa Aphid; and moderate resistance to Blue Alfalfa Aphid, Aphanomyces Root Rot (Race 1), Stem nematode, and southern root-knot nematode (M. incognita).
5. Seed increase is on a limited germination basis with one generation each of breeder, foundation and certified seed classes: ie. breeder (Syn 1), foundation (Syn 2), certified (Syn 3). Breeder seed was produced under isolation in Cary, NC Foundation and certified classes are produced by Great Plains Research Company, Inc., under contract with seed growers. Age of stand for seed production for breeder, foundation and certified seed is 1, 2 and 6 years, respectively. Breeder and foundation seed stocks are maintained by Great Plains Research Company, Inc. Breeder seed was produced in 1997.
6. Certified seed will be marketed in 2001.
7. Application will be made for Plant Variety Protection under the Act. The certification option will be requested.
8. This information may be forwarded to the PVP office.
9. Variety Name: Key 2 Date submitted: Nov. l, 2000
Experimental designation: NS-98-02.