1. K93 is a synthetic variety with about 100 parent plants. Parent plants were selec ted from vigorous progen5r rows and resistance to one or more of the following pests: Verticillium wilt, Phytophthora root rot and aphanornyces. The following germplasm sources were used in the development ofGG93: Wrangler, Impact, and Renegade. Approximate germplasm source contributions are: M. falcata-6%. Ladak - 6%, ~Ly~jj - 21%, Turkistan - 39O/~, Flemish - 20%, Chilean - 5%, Peruvian - 1%, and Unknown - 2%.
2. K93 is a dormant variety adapted to the northern region of the U.S. It is being tested in Minnesota. Wisconsin, Nebraska, Michigan and illinois. It will be marketed primarily in these states.
3. Approximately 70/. ofthe flowers (Syn. 2) are purple, 30/. variegated, with a trace ofyellow or cream. Fall dormancy is similar to Ranger.
4. K93 has resistance to bacterial wilt, Phytophthora root rot, Fusarium wilt, Pea Aphid, and Verticillium wilt. It has moderate resistance to anthracnose and the stem nematode. It has low resistance to aphanomyces (race 1). It has not been adequately tested to determine its reaction to root knot nematode.
5. Sufficient breeder seed was produced and will be maintained by Green Genes. Inc. near Adrian, OR under controlled environmental conditions to last the life of the variety. One generation each of breeder (Syn 2). foundation (Syn 3), and certified (Syn 3 or 4) is recognized. Up to 2 harvest years are permitted on stands producing foundation seed with 6 years allowed on certified production. Foundation seed production will be permitted in Nevada. Oregon, or Idaho. There are no restrictions on area of production of certified seed.
6. Certified seed will be marketed in the fall of 1993.
7. Application for Plant Variety Protection is not anticipated.
8. Information in this application may be turned over to the PVP office.