Joaquin 11

1.   Two clones selected from African were randomly pollinated to make a two-clone Syn1 and five selected clones of Afghanistan were randomly pollinated to form a five-clone Syn1. These Syn1 lines were increased individually by bee pollination in cages. Seed from these caged plants was planted in alternate rows in an isolated field plot and bee pollinated. Seed from this plot makes up the breeder seed. Approximately equal populations of the Syn1 lines are maintained in the breeder nursery.

2.   To be grown primarily in the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valleys of California for hay and green chop. Other possible areas of adaptation are Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas; excluding the low desert valleys. Testing has been in the Sacramento, San Joaquin, and Imperial Valleys of California.

3.   Purple-flowered, very uniform. Nondormant, but has a slightly greater degree of dormancy than does Moapa. Exhibits rapid recovery. Upright growth habit. Resistant to spotted alfalfa aphid. Pods dark brown when dry, full curl.

4.   A 3-acre plot for producing breeder seed has been established at San Joaquin, California, by drilling in alternate 40" rows the seed from the two Syn1 lines. Seed stocks of the original clones are maintained to keep populations of the lines approximately equal and to reestablish the plot if necessary. Certified seed may be produced from breeder or foundation seed only. Foundation and certified seed shall be produced in the San Joaquin Valley of California.

5.   1969.

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