
Applicant: FFR Cooperative
4112 East State Road 225
West Lafayette, IN 47906


Hi-phy is a nine clone synthetic with parent clones derived from a recurrent selection program that traces to the cultivars Weevlchek and Tempo. Parent clones were selected on the basis of vigor, Phytophthora root rot resistance and bacterial wilt resistance.

Primary usage of Hi-phy is for hay, haylage and green chop in the central region of the U.S. and the Canadian Great Lake region where Phytophthora root rot is a problem. Hi-phy has been yield tested in north central and north eastern Indiana, north central Kentucky, eastern Virginia, west central Nebraska and Missouri and Michigan.

The flower color is predominantly purple and blue. It has fall dormancy similar to Tempo.

Hi-phy has a high level of resistance to bacterial wilt, a moderate level of resistance to potato leafhopper yellowing. Not adequately tested for resistance to pea aphid, spotted alfalfa aphid and stem nematode to establish levels of resistance.

Seed increase will be limted generation sequence with one generation each of the Breeder, Foundation and Certified class. Breeders seed will be produced from the cuttings of nine parent clones with no special limit on age of stand or location of production. Commercial seed produced from fields seeded with other than Breeder or Foundation seed will not be recognized as Hi-phy.

Certified seed will be available in 1979.

Planning to apply for Plant Variety Protection.

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