1. Granada was derived from CUF 101 after two cycles of selection for Phytophthora root rot resistance followed by one cycle of selection for blue alfalfa aphid resistance. Granada has 2106 parental plants.
2. Granada is adapted to the lower elevations of California, Arizona, and New Mexico for hay, greenchop and dehydration purposes. It has been tested in California, Arizona and New Mexico.
3. Granada is a very nondormant variety. Flower color is predominately purple with a trace of blue variegated. Growth habit is upright.
4. Granada has a high level of resistance to pea aphid, spotted alfalfa aphid, blue alfalfa aphid and Fusarium wilt and resistance to Phytophthora root rot. Granada is susceptible to anthracnose and bacterial wilt. Reaction to stem nematode has not been adequately tested.
5. Breeder seed (Syn 1) was produced on the parent plants near Nampa, Idaho, with sufficient seed for the life of the variety held in controlled storage. One generation each of breeder, foundation and certified seed classes is recognized. Certified seed may be produced from either breeder or foundation seed. A maximum of three and five harvest years is permitted on stands producing foundation and certified seed, respectively. Foundation seed production is limited to the southern region of adaptation.
6. Certified seed will be available in 1983.
7. Plant Variety Protection has been granted. The certification option was not requested.