GH 747
1. GH 747 is a ten clone synthetic variety. Parental clones were selected on the basis of extensive clonal and S1 progeny tests in Iowa and Idaho for forage and seed yield, and for resistance to one or more of the following: bacterial wilt, Verticillium wilt, Phytophthora root rot, anthracnose, or pea aphid. The following sources were used: Saranac AR (30%), Blazer (20%), Apollo (10%), WL316 (10%), NCMP2 gcrmplasm (10%), Nevada Syn XX germplasm (10%), Epic (5%), and DK120 (5%). Estimates of the major germplasm groups (with percent contribution) were: M. falcata (4), Ladak (13), M. varia (22), Turkistan (15), Flemish (43) and Chilean (3).
2. GH 747 is adapted for hay, greenchop, and other forage uses in the northern U.S. It has been tested in IL, IA, MI, MN, NE, SD, WI, PA, and ID.
3. Fall dormancy is similar to Saranac. Flower color is approximately 68% purple and 32% variegated, with a trace of white, cream, or yellow.
4. GH 747 has high resistance to bacterial wilt, anthracnose, Phytophthora root rot, pea aphid, resistance to Fusarium wilt, and moderate resistance to Verticillium wilt and stem nematode. It is susceptible to the spotted alfalfa aphid and blue alfalfa aphid.
5. Breeder seed (Syn 1) was produced on replicated ramets of the parental clones in isolation. Foundation (Syn 2) and certified (Syn 3) seed fields are planted with breeder and foundation seed, respectively. Seed increase is on a single generation basis for each class with stand limitations of 1, 2, and 6 years for the breeder, foundation, and certified classes, respectively.
6. Certified seed was available in the spring of 1988.
7. No decision has been made concerning Plant Variety Protection.
8. This information can be forwarded to the PVP office.