1. G7730 is a 92 clone synthetic variety derived from Anchor with five cycles of selection for resistance to Phytophthora root rot. In the final cycle of screening, selection pressure was also applied for anthracnose resistance and seed yield potential.
2. Area of probable adaptation and merchandising is the entire Midwest. To be used primarily for hay, greenchop and dehy production. Tested in Iowa, Indiana, Idaho, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska and Pennsylvania.
3. G7730 has more than 99% purple and variegated flowers with less than 1% yellow and cream. Fall dormancy is similar to Ranger and Anchor.
4. G7730 has a high level of resistance to Phytophthora root rot and bacterial wilt, resistance to Fusarium wilt and a low level of resistance to anthracnose. It is susceptible to spotted alfalfa aphid and has not been adequately tested to determine the level of resistance to stem nematode and pea aphid.
5. Seed production shall be limited to one generation of breeder, foundation and certified classes. Breeder (Syn 1) seed was produced on cuttings of the 92 parent clones at Nampa, Idaho, with sufficient quantity for the life of the variety held in controlled storage. Certified seed may be produced from either breeder or foundation seed. A maximum of three harvest years is permitted on stands producing foundation seed with five harvest years maximum of stands producing certified seed. Foundation seed production will be limited to the northern area of adaptation.
6. Seed will be marketed in the spring of 1981.
7. Application for Plant Variety Protection will be made.