1. Florida 77 is a 600 plant intercrossed population resulting from two cycles of mass selection for persistence in "Florida 66" at Gainesville, Florida, followed by two cycles of selection for resistance to the spotted alfalfa aphid (Biotype H).
2. Florida 77 is adapted to Florida and other coastal plain areas of Southeastern U.S. for hay, silage, greenchop, or grazing. It is being tested in Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida, and will be marketed in all areas tested.
3. Erect growth with light to dark purple flowers. Fall dormancy is similar to African.
4. Florida 77 has high resistance to the spotted alfalfa aphid and Fusarium wilt, and is susceptible to bacterial wilt and Phytophthora root rot. It has not been tested for resistance to pea aphid, stem nematode, and anthracnose.
5. Breeder (Syn 2) seed was produced in an isolated plot at Gainesville, FL. Sufficient breeder seed will be kept in controlled storage for the life of the variety. Certified seed may be produced from either breeder or foundation seed. One generation each of breeder, foundation, and certified seed classes is recognized. A maximum of 2 harvest years is permitted on stands producing foundation seed and 5 years on stands producing certified seed. Seed production shall be limited to the southern alfalfa seed production area, south of 40 N latitude at elevations below 2500 feet.
6. Certified Seed will be available in fall of 1980.
7. Application for Plant Variety Protection will be submitted.