Florida 66
1. The germ plasm source was a group of about 100 varieties and introductions obtained from the USDA in 1950. Open-pollinated seed from the most vigorous and persistent strains was planted in a spaced-plant nursery. After 2 years, open-pollinated seed was harvested from the most vigorous surviving plants and was planted in a new nursery. This type of mass selection has been repeated six times (cycles). At least 100 plants were selected in each cycle.
2. Florida 66 will be recommended for the northern half of Florida, the only area where it has been tested. Its primary use will be as hay, silage, and green-chopped feed for dairy cattle.
3. Blue to purple flowers, non-dormant, and erect.
4. A one-acre plot for producing breeder seed has been planted in drilled rows 10" part at Gainesville, Florida, using seed produced by intercrossing selected plants in the 6th cycle. Remnant seed is available for re-establishing this plot when necessary. There shall be two generations of seed increase beyond breeder seed foundation and certified. Foundation and certified shall be produced in the Southern Alfalfa Region of Seed Production, south of 37o north latitude, at elevations below 2500 feet.
5. September 1968.