1. Falcon was developed by phenotypic selection for resistance to Phytophthora root rot, stem nematode and foliar diseases. Parentage traces to GT 13R Plus (50%), AS 13R (10%), BAA-15 (10%), Nev. Syn XX (15%), WL 512 (5%), WL 514 (5%), and Pioneer Brand 572 (5%). Falcon originated from African (35%), Indian (49%), Chilean (2%), Turkistan (4%), and M. varia (10%) sources.
2. Falcon is intended for use as hay, greenchop or dehy in central and southern California and desert valleys of AZ, NM and NV. Falcon has been tested in CA and NM.
3. Falcon is a nondormant variety with fall dormancy similar to Moapa 69. Flower color is 100% purple.
4. Falcon has high resistance to Fusarium wilt, moderate resistance to Phytophthora root rot, pea aphid, spotted alfalfa aphid, and blue aphid, low resistance to bacterial wilt, and is susceptible to anthracnose. Falcon has not been tested for resistance to Verticillium wilt or stem nematode.
5. Breeders seed (Syn. 2) was produced near Hollister, CA with a sufficient quantity for the expected life of the variety held in storage. Seed increase is limited to one generation each of breeder, foundation and certified seed classes. Stand longevity is limited to 3, 5, and 6 years for breeders, foundation, and certified seed fields, respectively. Seed production is limited to CA, AZ and NM.
6. Certified seed will be available in 1990.
7. Applications will not be made for PVP.
8. Information in this application may be turned over to the PVP office.