
1.   Edge is a synthetic variety with 370 parent plants. Parents trace to various populations selected for resistance to the following pests: bacterial wilt, Verticillium wilt, anthracnose, Phytophthora root rot and spotted alfalfa aphid. The following germplasm sources, in order of contribution, were used in the development of this variety: Emerald, Apollo II, WL-316, Excalibur, DK-135, 120, Jubilee, Trident and KS-77.

2.   Edge is a moderately winter-hardy variety adapted to for use in the northcentral and northeastern U.S. for hay, haylage and greenchop. The variety has been tested in Iowa, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

3.   Fall dormancy is similar to Saranac. Flower color is approximately 75% purple, 25% variegated and <1% yellow and white.

4.   Edge has high resistance to anthracnose and resistance to bacterial wilt, Verticillium wilt, Phytophthora root rot, Fusarium wilt, spotted alfalfa aphid and pea aphid. Reaction to stem nematode is unknown.

5.   Seed increase is on a limited generation basis with one generation each of breeder and certified seed classes, and two generations of foundation seed. Breeder (Syn. 1) foundation (Syn. 2 or Syn. 3) and certified (Syn. 3 or Syn. 4) classes will be recognized. Production of Syn. 3 foundation seed requires authorization by the breeder. Stand limitations are 1, 2 and 6 years for breeder, foundation and certified seed fields respectively.

6.   Certified seed will be marketed in 1986.

7.   No decision has been made concerning Plant Variety Protection.

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