1. Decathlon is a 100 clone synthetic variety, derived from each of 4 experimental cage combinations, together with one plant from Vertus and two plants from Weibulls experimental, WB 6. Parental plants of the four experimentals were evaluated in field nurseries and screened for resistance to bacterial wilt. Original source material traces primarily to Vertus and to germplasm derived from Grimm.
2. Decathlon is a moderately winter hardy variety adapted for use in the Midwestern and northeastern US for hay, haylage and dehydration purposes. Decathlon has been tested in California, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania, and will be marketed primarily in the northcentral and northeastern regions of the US.
3. Approximately 100% of the flowers are purple to light purple. Midsummer growth is erect, with fall growth similar to that of Saranac.
4. Decathlon has high resistance to bacterial wilt, resistance to Fusarium wilt, pea aphid, spotted alfalfa aphid and stem nematode, and moderate resistance to Verticillium wilt, Phytophthora root rot, anthracnose and blue alfalfa aphid.
5. Breeder seed (Syn 1 ) was produced on the parent clones at Bakersfield, California, in 1977. Sufficient foundation seed was produced at Nampa, Idaho, for the life of the variety. One generation each of breeder (Syn 1), foundation (Syn 2) and certified (Syn 3) is recognized. A maximum of 3 harvest years are permitted for stands producing foundation seed, and 5 harvest years for stands producing certified seed.
6. Certified seed will be marketed in 1983.
7. Application will not be made for Plant Variety Protection.