1. DS764 is a 150 clone synthetic
developed from plants selected for one or more of the following traits:
Seed yield, plant vigor, persistence, resistance to Phytophthora root rot,
anthracnose, Verticillium wilt, bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, pea aphid
and spotted alfalfa aphid. Germplasm used in the development of DS764
was Diamond, Pioneer 581, WL320 and Shenandoah. The percent of germplasm
sources are: M. falcata (4%), Ladak (1%), M. varia (17%),
Turkistan (11%), Flemish (44%), Chilean (5%), Peruvian (1%), Indian (1%),
African (1%) aid Unknown (15%).
2. DS764 adapted to and is intended for use in the Southeastern and Central Midwest Region of the United States for hay, haylage, greenchop and dehydration. The states where it has been tested are Wisconsin, Illinois, North Carolina and Georgia.
3. DS764 is moderately dormant and similar to the variety Lahonton. Growth habit in mid-summer is erect and semi-erect in the fall. Flower color in the Syn. 2 generation is 82% purple, 18% variegated and trace amounts of cream, white and yellow.
4. DS764 has high resistance to bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt and Phytophthora root rot, with resistance to anthracnose (Race 1), Verticillium wilt, pea aphid and spotted alfalfa aphid. Its reaction to blue alfalfa aphid and stem nematode has not been tested.
5. Breeder seed (Syn. 1) was produced under field isolation near Sloughhouse, CA. Dairyland Research will maintain sufficient Breeder and Foundation seed (Syn. 2) stocks for the expected life of the variety. Limitations on age of stand for Breeder, Foundation and Certified, (Syn. 2 or 3) is 1, 3, and 5 years respectively.
6. Certified seed will be available the spring of 1992.
7. Application for the Plant Variety Protection is undecided.
8. As a means of additional varietal
protection, information included with this application may be provided
to the PVP office.