
1. Belmont is a synthetic alfalfa variety selected from WL 316, Apollo II, Oneida VR, Trumpetor, and Vernema by recurrent selection for resistance to Verticillium Wilt, anthracnose, Phytophthora, spotted alfalfa aphid, pea aphid, and blue alfalfa aphid followed by multiple strain crosses. The germplasm sources of Belmont are estimated to 50% Flemish, 10% M. varia, 10% Chilean, 3% M. falcata, and 27% unknown.

2. Belmont is adapted to the Northeastern and Central United States for use as hay, haylage, greenchop, and dehydration products. It has been tested in Wisconsin, Iowa, Pennsylvania, New York, and Georgia.

3. Fall dormancy (fall growth) is similar to DuPuits. Flower color is 86% purple, 14% variegated with a trace of cream flowered plants.

4. Belmont has high resistance to anthracnose (race 1), bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, pea aphid, and spotted alfalfa aphid, resistance to Verticillium Wilt, Phytophthora root rot, stem nematode, and anthracnose (race 2); and moderate resistance to the blue aphid and Lepto leaf spot.

5. Seed increase is on a limited generation basis with one generation each of breeder, foundation, and certified seed classes; i.e., breeder (Syn 1), foundation (Syn 2), certified (Syn 3). Breeder seed was produced under isolation in Apex, NC. Foundation and certified classes are produced by Great Plains Research Company, Inc. under contract with seed growers. Age of stand for seed production for breeder, foundation, and certified seed is 1, 2, and 6 years, respectively. Breeder and foundation seed stocks are maintained by Great Plains Research Company, Inc. Sufficient foundation seed has been produced to meet foreseeable needs.

6. Certified seed will be marketed in 1991.

7. Application will be made for Plant Variety Protection under the Act. The certification option will not be requested.

8. This information can be forwarded to the PVP office.

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