1. Individual plant selections tracing to Vernal, Narragansett, Arnim, Culver and a recurrent selection population followed by replicated clonal evaluation, bacterial wilt evaluation, open-pollination progeny testing for forage yield, leaf diseases and adaptation, restricted polycross progeny testing for forage yield and finally, multiple-row plot evaluation of the variety.
2. Adapted to areas of the Northern and Central Regions of adaptation where Vernal and Ranger are presently grown for de-hy, hay, haylage, green chop or grazing. It will be merchandised in these States. ATRA 55 has been evaluated in Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and California.
3. Flower color - dark purple through variegated to a few plants with yellow flowers. Fall and winter dormancy approximates that of Vernal. Dark green color of foliage with some resistance to downy mildew and Leptosphaerulina leaf spot.
4. Breeder seed represents the composite from the 8 parent clones replicated and randomized either in a cage or an isolation. Foundation seed is the first generation grown from breeder seed produced under the supervision of the originator. The only authentic certified seed of ATRA 55, according to the originators, will be that produced from breeder or foundation seed.
5. Late in 1968.