1. Arroyo is a 52 clone synthetic cultivar developed from mass selecting plants for persistence, good agronomic characteristics, and disease-free roots, in the northern San Joaquin Valley, CA from 3-4 year old established hay fields. The fields were reportedly planted with 581, WL 512, and WL 515 of which 10, 8, and 34 clones were utilized respectively. In 1983, approximately 3 cuttings of each clone were pollinated in an isolation cage to produce breeder seed (Syn 1). Germplasm sources are as follows: M. falcata <1%, Ladak <1%, M. varia <1%, Turkistan 13%, Flemish <1%, Chilean 4%, Peruvian <1%, Indian <1%, African <1%, and unknown 82%.
2. Arroyo's proposed areas of adaptation are the non-dormant growing areas of the southwestern U.S. and other similar areas. It is intended for hay, greenchop, and dehydra