1. Started in 1928 in Central Germany by selecting 3,000 individual plants from the Thuringia land race. First reduced to 300 plants, then 70 and after a period of eight years testing reduced to 20 plants. These 20 elite plants were hybridized with Medicago falcata and Kayserie from which was selected the variety.
2. To be used for hay, haylage, green chop, dehy and grazing in areas where Vernal Ranger, 522, 525, and Narragansett are being used successfully. Tested in Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and other States.
3. Flower color runs from white over yellow to blue and to violet and a wide range of variegated colors. Mostly glabrous, erect, slightly taller than Vernal or Ranger. See Wisconsin reports for 1961 and 1962 on alfalfa fall and winter dormancy tests. Erect, leafy, lacks wilt resistance.
4. The variety Arnim (Altdeutsche Bastardiuzerna von Arnim) is maintained by the Countess von Arnim under supervision of the German Bundesortenamt. Under this supervision, breeders seed is produced from a vegetatively propagated clonal seed production field in a dry region, APfalz,@ located on the left side of the Rhine. Breeders seed is planted in Germany to produce basic seed. Seed planted in the United States to produce certified seed shall be one of the following: (a) Luzerne von Arnim Basic Seed supplied by Countess von Arnim through the firm of L.C. Nungesser, Darmstadt, Germany; (b) Foundation seed produced by Arnold-Thomas Seed Service in the States of Nevada, Idaho, Oregon or Washington from breeders seed supplied by Countess von Arnim. Seed produced from any other stock, or from certified seed, will not be recognized by Arnold-Thomas Seed Service as Arnim.
5. 1966.