AmeriGuard 301
1. AmeriGuard 301 is an 13 clone synthetic cultivar. Parent clones trace to populations derived from a backcrossing program incorporating resistance to potato leafhopper into modern germplasm. These populations used glandular-hair resistant germplasm releases 81 Ind-2, KS 108 GH5 and KS94GH6 as a non-recurrent parent with the recurrent parents tracing to Weevlchek, Vernal, Saranac, Anchor, Kanza, Tempo and Cody approximately (13% each) with 9% unknown. Final selections were made on the basis of resistance to potato leafhopper, bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, Verticillium wilt, anthracnose (race 1), Phytophthora root rot, Aphanomyces root rot (races 1 and 2) plus yield and fall dormancy reaction. Recurrent phenotypic selection was used.  Breeder seed (Syn 1) was produced in 1995 on approximately 25 cuttings of each clone transplanted at random and harvested in bulk. Breeder seed (Syn 2) was produced in South America in 1996 Estimated % germplasm sources contributing to the genetic constitution of this variety.
M. falcata
M. varia

  2. AmeriGuard 301 appears to be adapted to the North Central and East Central regions of the U.S.. Area of intended use is the North Central and East Central Regions of the U.S.. It has been tested in Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois.

3. Fall dormancy of Ameriguard 301 is similar to Ranger. Flower color of Syn 2 generation is approximately 48% purple, 41% variegated, 5% cream, 4% yellow and 2% white.

4. AmeriGuard 301 has high resistance to bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt and Phytophthora root rot, resistance to Verticillium wilt and Aphanomyces root rot (race 1) and moderate resistance to pea aphid and low resistance to spotted alfalfa aphid and blue alfalfa aphid. It has moderate resistance to potato leafhopper. It has not been tested for reaction to stem nematode, root knot nematode and anthracnose.

5. Seed increase is limited to two generations of breeder (Syn 1 and 2), and one generation each of foundation (Syn 3) and certified (Syn 4) seed classes. Certified seed may be produced from either breeder or foundation classes. A 2, 3 and 6 year stand life is permitted on fields producing breeder, foundation and certified seed classes respectively. Foundation seed production is limited to the Pacific Northwest. Breeder seed (Syn 1) was produced in 1995. Breeder seed (Syn 2) was produced in 1996 in South America in 1996. ABI will maintain sufficient seed stocks for the life of the variety.

6. Certified seed will be available in 1999.

7. Plant Variety Protection will not be applied for.

8. This information can be forwarded to the PVP office.

9. Variety Name: AmeriGuard 301 Date Submitted: November 1998

Experimental designations: ZH 9549

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